Science Department

About Department:

The Department of Political Science was established with the establishment of the college on 24 th June 1990 with the vision to impart quality education for the all-round development of women through excellence in knowledge and value education and to give an insight of the fundamental principles of the Indian Constitution and create political awareness among them. The department introduces girl students about their rights and the laws made for women,develop leadership qualities and tries to increase political participation of women.

Name of the programme Programme Outcomes(POs), Programme Specific Outcomes(PSOs),Course Outcomes(COs)
B. A. view


Sr. No. Class Paper Course Title Code
1 FYBA G-1 Indian Government and Politics 1167
2 SYBA G-2 Political Theory and Concepts 2167
3 SYBA S-1 Western Political Thought 2168
4 SYBA S-2 Political Sociology 2169
5 TYBA G-3 Political Ideology 3167
6 TYBA S-3 Public Administration 3168
7 TYBA S-4 International Politics 3169


Sr.No. Class Paper Course Title Code
1 FYBA G-1 Indian Government and Politics 1167
2 SYBA G-2 Political Theory and Concepts 2167
3 SYBA S-1 Western Political Thought 2168
4 SYBA G-2 Political Sociology 2169
5 TYBA G-3 Political Ideology 3167
6 TYBA S-3 Public Administration 3168
7 TYBA S-4 International Politics 3169


Sr.No. Class Paper Course Title Code
1 FYBA G-1 SEM-I Introduction to the Indian Constitution 11161
2 FYBA G-1 SEM-II Introduction to the Indian Constitution 11162
3 SYBA G-2 Political Theory and Concepts 2167
4 SYBA S-1 Western Political Thought 2168
5 SYBA S-2 Political Sociology 2169
6 TYBA G-3 Political Ideology 3167
7 TYBA S-3 Public Administration 3168
8 TYBA S-4 International Politics 3169


Sr.No. Class Paper Semester Course Title Code
1 FYBA G-1 SEM-I Introduction to the Indian Constitution 11161
2 FYBA G-1 SEM-II Introduction to the Indian Constitution 11162
3 FYBA FYBCom FYBSc Skill SEM-II Democracy, Election & Governance 22999
4 SYBA G-2 SEM-III An Introduction to Political Ideologies 23164
5 SYBA S-2 SEM-IV An Introduction to Political Ideologies 24164
6 TYBA S-1 SEM-III Western Political Thought 23161
7 TYBA S-1 SEM-IV Western Political Thought 24161
8 TYBA S-2 SEM-III Political Journalism 23162
9 SYBA S-2 SEM-IV Political Journalism 24162
10 SYBA Skill SEM-IV Basics of the Indian Constitution 24162
11 SYBA Skill SEM-IV Basics of the Indian Constitution 23162
12 TYBA G-3 SEM-V Modern Political Analysis 35163
13 TYBA G-3 SEM-VI Modern Political Analysis 36163
14 TYBA S-3 SEM-V Public Administration 35161
15 TYBA S-3 SEM-VI Public Administration 36161
16 TYBA S-4 SEM-V International Relations 35162
17 TYBA S-4 SEM-VI International Relations 36162
18 TYBA Skill SEM-V Samyukta Maharashtra 35165
19 TYBA Skill SEM-VI Samyukta Maharashtra 36165


Sr.No. Class Paper Semester Course Title Code
1 FYBA G-1 SEM-I Introduction to the Indian Constitution 11161
2 FYBA G-1 SEM-II Introduction to the Indian Constitution 11162
3 FYBA FYBCom FYBSc Skill SEM-II Democracy, Election & Governance 22999
4 SYBA G-2 SEM-III An Introduction to Political Ideologies 23164
5 SYBA S-2 SEM-IV An Introduction to Political Ideologies 24164
6 SYBA S-1 SEM-III Western Political Thought 23161
7 SYBA S-1 SEM-IV Western Political Thought 24161
8 SYBA S-2 SEM-III Political Journalism 23162
9 SYBA S-2 SEM-IV Political Journalism 24162
10 SYBA Skill SEM-IV Basics of the Indian Constitution 24162
11 SYBA Skill SEM-IV Basics of the Indian Constitution 23162
12 TYBA G-3 SEM-V Modern Political Analysis 35163
13 TYBA G-3 SEM-VI Modern Political Analysis 36163
14 TYBA S-3 SEM-V Public Administration 35161
15 TYBA S-3 SEM-VI Public Administration 36161
16 TYBA S-4 SEM-V International Relations 35162
17 TYBA S-4 SEM-VI International Relations 36162
18 TYBA Skill SEM-V Samyukta Maharashtra 35165
19 TYBA Skill SEM-VI Samyukta Maharashtra 36165

Certificate course

Sr.No. Title of Certificate Course Duration No. Student Admitte d Course Coordinator
1 Political Science and Human Rights 2 nd December 2018 to 1 st January 2019 30 Prof. A. H. Shinde
2 Democracy and Responsibilities of Indian Citizens 2 nd December 2019 to 1 st January 2020 30 Prof. A. H. Shinde
3 Panchayat Raj 1 st March 2021 to 30 th March 2021 30 Prof. A. H. Shinde
4 Rural and Urban Local Government 28 th January 2022 to 28 th February 2022 30 Prof. N. A. Patil
5 Indian Political Party System 1 st April 2023 to 30 th April 2023 30 Prof. N. A. Patil

Result (T. Y. B.A) Political Science

Year No. of student appeared No. of student passed Percentage
2017-18 31 25 80.20
2018-19 19 15 78.13
2019-20 20 14 70
2020-21 20 17 85
2021-22 5 5 100%


Year Rank Name of the Student
2017-18 1 Nikam Sujata Sanjay
2 Deore Manisha Arun
3 Patil Maheswari Baban
2018-19 1 Sonawane Sonali Vinod
2 Gangurde Harshali Ashok
3 Sonawane Shital Nanaji
2019-20 1 Thakare Vandana Bhaupatil
2 Garud Bhagyashri Rajendra
3 Yashodh Pooja Madan
2020-21 1 Shirole Rupali Balkrushna
2 Mhasde Vandana Ashok
3 Mankar Vrushali Rajendra
2021-22 1 Shelar Titiksha Devendra
2 Pawar Punam Keda
3 Ahire Bhagyashri Sandip

Teaching Faculty

Sr. No. Photo Name of the Faculty Date of Joining Designation Qualification Teaching Experience Link
1 Prof. N. A. Patil 11/07/1995 Assistant Professor M.A. 28 Years View/Read
2 Dr. Sonali Diliprao Deore 16/06/2014 Assistant Professor M.A. SET Ph.D. 9 Years View/Read

4. Research Paper Published

Sr. No. Name of the activity Name of the agency Date Link
1 Get information about the political framework of Panchayat Samiti Panchayat Samiti Malegaon 01/01/2019 to 01/01/2024 view


Introduction :-

India is the largest democratic country in the world. After independence, efforts were made at many levels to fulfil the hopes and aspirations of the people through democracy. The state is being run through the representatives elected by the people by accepting the rule of the people. It is equally important for the electorate to vote fearlessly and thoughtfully to take the country on the path of progress through proper decision- making process. In this regard, in order to create awareness among the voters, the Election Commission is conducting various activities on the occasion of the National Voter's Day to inform the new voters about the election process. Elections are the backbone of democracy. So voters should vote in a free and fearless environment. At the time of elections, we should exercise our right to vote without succumbing to any temptation.

Colleges have freshers. Various activities are conducted in the colleges to make them exercise their right to vote. Mahilaratna Pushpatai Hiray Arts Science and Commerce Women's College conducts various activities.

On the occasion of National Election Day on 25th January, Panchayat Samiti's Agricultural Officers' presentation was organized. In his lecture, he informed the students about Election Commission and convinced that the role of voter is very important in democratic countries.


  • 1. To encourage the youth to participate in the vote in the electoral process.
  • 2. To focus on the fact that the right to vote is a basic right.
  • 3. To know about the history of National Voters Day and its significance.
  • 4. To facilitate and maximise enrolment for new voters.
  • 5. To inform voters about the Election Commission of India and its process of working.
  • 6. To spread democratic values among citizens of India.
  • 7. To make citizens realise the strength and power of voters.
  • SWOC


  • 1. Sufficient qualified, motivated and competent faculty with a blend of high experience and young and energetic dynamism..
  • 2. Participation in Seminars, Workshops and Conferences.
  • 3. Effective teaching-learning process design approach of practice oriented with special emphasis on learning with teachers as a facilitator.
  • 4. Well-equipped library with sufficient number of books.
  • 5. Supporting weaker students through remedial and tutorial classes..
  • Weakness

  • 1. Poor communication skill in both verbal and non-verbal.
  • 2. Limited job opportunities.
  • 3. The majority of the students come from poor socio-economic background and they may not have good academic background.
  • Opportunities

  • 1. It is easy for the students of Political Science to career from competitive Examination
  • 2. The students of Political Science can get government jobs in teaching fields and become teachers and professors.
  • 3. The students of Political Science can work as Political Journalism which is in demand today
  • 4. Political Analyzer is also an important work where the students can make their career
  • Challenges

  • 1. The era of Globalization liberalizations and privalization adopted in the world after 1991 requires and ideological intelligence the students of Political Science should be aware of this.
  • Future Plan

  • 1. Arrange certificate course to enhance understanding increase depth of knowledge of students.
  • 2. Organize field visit to Panchayat Samiti under MOU.
  • 3. Arrange online webinars to impart quality education to students.
  • 4. Organize guest lectures to motivate students and to inform them new practical areas of study of Political Science.
  • 5. Organize field visit to Grampanchayat to know the working process of local self- governments.
  • 6. Try to increase political participation of girl students in local self government.
  • 7. Organize seminars and group discussions on the current political problems and enable students to look at them with the perspective of political science.
  • Sr. No. Name of the faculty Designation Email
    1 Prof. N. A. Patil Assistant Professor and Head [email protected]
    2 Dr. S. D. Deore Assistant Professor [email protected]