Arts Department

About Department:

Vision: Commitment to prepare a complete person with qualities to uplift the society and the nation.

Mission: Emphasis on all round development and inculcation of culture, ethics and universal human values.


  • To increase the writing, reading, communication and learning skill.
  • Advance knowledge of Marathi language and literature. 
  • Student should be able to choose the research area as per their interest.
  • To increase the understanding about translation printed material, editorial and journalism.
  • To create capacity in them so that they can face the opportunities created by globalization 
  • From the study of literature to create an understanding of life and personality development.
  • To give a way for the procedure of capable civilization.
  • To increase the capacity of micro and macro the study of Marathi language.
Name of the programme Programme Outcomes(POs), Programme Specific Outcomes(PSOs),Course Outcomes(COs)
B.A. view

F.Y. B.A. Marathi Semester – I

Paper No. Course Code Name of the Course
I 11021 Marathi Sahitya-Katha (Samkalin Marathi Katha) Ani Bhashik Kaushlyavikas.

Semester –II

Paper No. Course Code Name of the Course
1 12021 Marathi Sathya –Ekankika (Handarbha Chandnya)Ani Bhashik Kaushlyavikas

S.Y. B. A. Marathi Semester – III

Paper No. Course Code Name of the Course
1. 23021 Adhunic Marathi Sahitya :Prakashvata
2 23022 Sahityavichar
3 23023 Bhashik Kaushlyavikas Ani Adhunik Marathi Sahityaprakar: Kadambari (Rarngdhang)

Semester – IV

Paper No. Course Code Name of the Course
1 24021 Madhyayugin Marathi Sahitya : Nivdak Madhyayugin Gadya, Padya
2 24022 Sahitya Samiksha
3 24023 Bhashik kaushlyavikas Ani Adhunik Marathi Sahityaprakar : Lalitgadya (Sahityarang)

T.Y. B.A. Marathi Semester – V

Paper No. Course Code Name of the Course
1. 35021 Madhyayugin Marathi Vangmayacha Sthul Itihas : Prarambh Te 1600
2 35022 Varnanatmak Bhashavidnyan – Bhag 1
3 35023 Bhashik Kaushlyavikas Ani Adhunik Marathi Sahityaprakar:Pravasvarnan

Semester – VI

Paper No. Course Code Name of the Course
1. 36021 Madhyayugin Marathi Vangmayacha Sthul Itihas. 1601 Te 1817
2 36022 Varnanatmak Bhashavidnyan.Bhag -2
3 36023 Bhashik Kaushlyavikas Ani Adhunik Marathi Sahityaprakar: Kavita

M.A.- I Marathi Semester – VI

Paper No. Course Code Name of the Course
1. 10401 ( CC-1) Bhasha Vyavhar Ani Bhashik Kaushlya Bhag-1
2 10402 (CC-2) Arvachin Marathi Vangmayacha Itihas.(1818- 1920)
3 10403 (CC-3) Eaitihasik Bhashavidnyan
4 10404 (CBOP-4) Gramin Sahitya

Semester - II

Paper No. Course Code Name of the Course
1. 20401 ( CC-5) Bhasha Vyavhar Ani Bhashik Kaushalye Bhag-2
2 20402 (CC-6) Arvachin Marathi Vangmayacha Itihas.(1920 Te 2010)
3 20403 (CC-7) Samajik Bhashavidnyan
4 20404 (CBOP-8) Dalit Sahitya.

M.A. II Marathi Semester - III

Paper No. Course Code Name of the Course
1. 30401 ( CC 9) Prasarmadhyamansathi Lekhankaushlye –Bhag-1.
2 30402 ( CC-10) Sahitya Samiksha
3 30403 ( CC-11) Nemlelya Madhyayugin Sahityakrutincha Abhyas –Bhag 1.
4 30404 CBOP-12 Loksahityachi Multatve Ani Marathi Loksahitya Bhag -1.

Semester - IV

Paper No. Course Code Name of the Course
5. 40401 ( CC- 13) .Prasarmadhyamansathi Lekhankaushlye –Bhag- 2.
6. 40402 (CC-14) Sahitya sanshodhan
7. 40403 (CC-15) Nemlelya Madhyayugin Sahityakrutincha Abhyas Bhag-2’.
8 40404 (CBOP- 16) Loksahityachi Multatve Ani Marathi Loksahitya Bhag-2

Result (T. Y. B.A.)

Year No. of student appeared No. of student passed Percentage
2017-18 19 18 94.80%
2018-19 11 10 91%
2019-20 9 8 88.88%
2020-21 12 9 75%
2021-22 14 11 78.6%

Result M. A.

Year No. of student appeared No. of student passed Percentage
2017-18 4 4 100%
2018-19 4 4 100%
2019-20 10 10 100%
2020-21 4 4 100%
2021-22 4 4 100%


Year Rank Name of the Student
2017-18 1 Bidgar Archana Tatyaba
2 Mohammad Shams Firdaus
3 Ahire Punam Ravindra
2018-19 1 Shinde Manisha Vitthal
2 Shelke Kalyani Aappa
3 Khatmal Karishma Ramesh
2019-20 1 Borse Nikita Sahebrao
2 Momin Gajiya Ambrin Mohammad.
3 Ahire Madhuri Ravindra
2020-21 1 Kale Yamini Dhondu
2 Khaire Nilam Madhukar
3 Jadhav Jayashree Satish
2021-22 1 Suryawanshi Sakshi Keshav
2 Chavan Nikita Dattu
3 Ahire Vaishali Samadhan

Teaching Faculty

Sr. No. Photo Name of the Faculty Date of Joining Designation Qualification Teaching Experience Link
1 Dr. Sau. Ujjwala S. Deore 01/09/1987 Principal M.A. M.Phil, Ph.D 34 Years View/Read
2 Dr. Snehal Sanjay Marathe 27/04/2010 Assistant Professor M.A. Ph.D. SET 13 Years View/Read
3 Dr. Meenakshi Pundalik Patil 01/08/2006 Assistant Professor M.A. Ph.D. NET 17 Years View/Read
4 Prof. Ujjwala Uttam Ahire 9.8.2018 (CHB) Assistant Professor M.A. NET 5 Years View/Read

1. Research Guides:

Sr. No. Name of the Guide University No. of students registered Year of recognition
1 Dr.Ujjwala Deore SPPU, Pune 3 2006
2 Dr. Meenakshi Patil SPPU, Pune 3 2021
3 Dr. Snehal Marathe SPPU, Pune 4 2018

2. Ph. D Scholar Registered:

Sr. No. Name of the Scholar Name of the Guide Title of the thesis Degree Awarded Year of award of degree Name of the Research Center
1 Kannor Santosh Dr. Ujjwala Deore
2 Khairnar Sunil Dr. Ujjwala Deore
3 Kuwar Kiran Dr. Ujjwala Deore
4 Kamble Balram Ganpat Dr. Snehal Marathe Nashik Jilhyatil Prachalit akhyaikancha Loksanskrutik Abhyas Ongoing process - M.S.G.College, Malegaon
5 Shelar Leena Abhimanyu Dr. Snehal Marathe Marathitil 1990 nantarchya Samagra Vaicharik Sahityacha Abhyas Ongoing process - M.S.G.College,Malegaon
6 Deore Sushmita Balasaheb Dr. Snehal Marathe 21 Vya Shatakatil Balsahitya:Ek Chikitsak Abhyas Kalakhand(2000 te 2020) Ongoing process - M.S.G.College,Malegaon
7 Bacchav Sanjay Prabhakar Dr. Snehal Marathe E.S 2000 Nanterchya samagra Marathi atmkathanancha Samajshastriy Abhyas Ongoing process - M.S.G.College,Malegaon
8 Pawar Prashant Damodar Dr. Meenakshi Patil Marathitil nayakpradhan kadambari:Samajshastriy Abhyas Ongoing Process - Arts ,commerce and Science college, Manmad
9 Desai Hemraj Madhukar Dr. Meenakshi Patil Nagara Niytkalikacha Samajshyatriy Abhyas Ongoing Process - Arts ,commerce and Science college, Manmad
10 Patil Rahul Anilrao Dr. Meenakshi Patil Marathi Balsahityacha Manovishaleshnatmak Abhyas Ongoing Process - Arts ,commerce and Science college, Manmad

5. Research Paper Published:

Sr. No. Name of the Faculty Number of research Publication Number of UGC- CARE Listed /Scopus/WOS Publication View details
1 Dr.Ujjwala Deore 17 4 view
2 Dr. Snehal Marathe 19 01 view
3 Dr. Meenakshi Patil 23 2 view

4. Book/Chapters Published::

Sr. No. Name of the Teacher Title of the book/ Chapters Published Title of the paper National/ Internatio nal Year of Publicatio n ISSN/ISBN number of proceeding Name of the Publisher
1 Dr. Snehal Marathe Srivad-Swarupani Prasangikata Marathi Srivadi Sahitya National March 2022 978-93- 91305-97- 0 Adhar Publication, Amaravati
2 Dr. Snehal Marathe Phule- Shahu- Ambedkar : Vicharanc hi Prasangik ata Rajarshi Shahu Maharaj :Ek Adarsh Rajyakar ta National February 2022 978-93- 91712-88- 4 Atharv Publicatio n, Dhule
Sr. No. Name of the Collaborative Agency Year of signing MoU/ Collaboration/ Linkage List of Activities under each MoU and weblink yearwise
1 Sarwjanik Library, Malegaon 1/1/2019 To 31/12/2024 Visit to Library
2 Shubhada Sarwajanik Wachanalay,Patil wadi Navvasahat,soygaon. 1/12020 To 31/12/2025 Visit to Library
3 Sarwajanik Library,S.V.D.Sawarkar Dabhadi 1/1/2020 To 31/12/2025 Visit to Library
4 Pragatishil Lekhak Sangh,Malegaon 1/1/2021 To 31/12/2026 Visit to Library

4. Research Paper Published

Sr. No. Name of the Collaborative Agency Year of signing MoU/ Collaboration/ Linkage List of Activities under each MoU and weblink yearwise
1 Sarwjanik Library, Malegaon 1/1/2019 To 31/12/2024 Visit to Library
2 Shubhada Sarwajanik Wachanalay,Patil wadi Navvasahat,soygaon. 1/12020 To 31/12/2025 Visit to Library
3 Sarwajanik Library,S.V.D.Sawarkar Dabhadi 1/1/2020 To 31/12/2025 Visit to Library
4 Pragatishil Lekhak Sangh,Malegaon 1/1/2021 To 31/12/2026 Visit to Library

अंकुर हस्तलिखित: निबंध लेखन व काव्यलेखन


  • 1. विद्यार्थ्यांचे लेखन, वाचन, संभाषण ,श्रवण कौशल्य वाढविणे.
  • 2. मराठी भाषा आणि साहित्य यांचे प्रगत ज्ञान मिळविणे.
  • 3. ललित गद्य या साहित्य प्रकाराचे स्वरूप, घटक ,प्रकार आणि वाटचाल समजून घेणे.
  • 4. सर्जनशील लेखनाची क्षमता विकसित करणे
  • 5. ललित गद्याचे आकलन, आस्वाद आणि विश्लेषण करणे
  • प्रस्तावना

    साहित्य या प्रकारात भाषेचे विविध अविष्कार पाहायला मिळतात. मराठी भाषेला फार मोठी सुधारणा परंपरा लाभलेली आहे. संत पंत यांनी साहित्याला श्रीमंती बहाल केलेली आपल्याला माहित आहे. महाविद्यालयीन जीवनात मराठी या विषयाचा अभ्यास करताना विद्यार्थ्यांना जवळजवळ साहित्याच्या सर्व प्रकारांची ओळख होते. यातूनच त्यांना भाषिक अभिव्यक्तीची रुची निर्माण होते आणि विद्यार्थी लिहिण्यास प्रवृत्त होतात. आपल्या मनातल्या भावभावना कवितेच्या निबंधाच्या किंवा चारोळ्यांच्या माध्यमातून ते व्यक्त करतात. अशा नवोदित लेखकांना व्यक्त होण्याची एक जागा म्हणजे महिलारत्न पुष्पाताई हिरे महिला महाविद्यालयातील मराठी विभाग हे अंकुर हस्तलिखिताचे गेल्या चार वर्षांपासून प्रसिद्धी करीत आहे.

    कृतीयुक्त उपक्रम

  • 1. महाविद्यालयातील सर्व शाखातील विद्यार्थिनींना निबंध लेखन कविता लेखन चारोळी लेखन कसे करावे याबद्दल मार्गदर्शन करण्यात आले.
  • 2. महाविद्यालयातील विद्यार्थ्यांनी या उपक्रमाला उत्स्फूर्त प्रतिसाद दिला.
  • 3. मी प्रत्यक्ष विभागात येऊन स्वतः केलेले लेखन संकलन विभागातील प्राध्यापकांना दाखविले..
  • 4. अशा रीतीने अंकुर या हस्तलिखितासाठी मोठ्या प्रमाणात निबंध व कवितांचे संकलन झाले. उपक्रमाची निष्पत्ती-
  • 1. विद्यार्थ्यांचे लेखन वाचन संभाषण श्रवण म्हणजेच भाषिक कौशल्य विकसित झाली..
  • 2. मराठी भाषा आणि साहित्य यांचे प्रगतज्ञान विद्यार्थिनींना झाले.
  • 3. ललित गद्य या साहित्य प्रकाराचे स्वरूप, घटक ,प्रकार आणि वाटचाल विद्यार्थिनींना समजली..
  • Name of the Alumni Designation Place Contact Year of Passing
    Ahire Bhagyashri Yashawant Asst.Teacher Janta Vidyalaya, Wajirkhede 8007312809 2021
    Chavan Varsha Sambhaji Asst.Teacher Aadinath Education Society,Malegaon 8459578064 2020
    Ahire Ujjwala Uttam Asst.Prof. (NET ) M.P.H. Mahila College,Malegaon 7498416095 2007
    Photo Name of the Faculty Award University/ Institute/ Agency
    Prin.Dr. Ujjwala S. Deore Education Leadership Award Devang Mehta National Education Awards, Mumbai in 2018
    Deshdoot Karmyogini Purskar Deshdoot, Nashik Club in 2018
    Eduation Leadership Award Devang Mehta National Education Awards, Mumbai in 2017
    Sr.No Topic of Webinar Level Resource Person Date View Details
    1 Wachan Prerana Aani Vyaktimatva Vikas National Dr. Randhir Shinde 24/10/2020 view
    2 Marathi Bhasha sanwardhan National Mr. Sanjay Bachhav 27/1/2022 view
    Name of the Teacher. Class Subject Link
    Dr.Snehal Marathe F.Y.B.A. Abhyaskramachi Olakh view
    F.Y.B.A. Shravan Kaushalya view
    F.Y.B.A. Katheche Swarup v Sankalpana view
    F.Y.B.A. Marathi Kathechi Vatchal view
    F.Y.B.A. Katheche Abhivachan view
    S.Y.B.A. Abhyaskramachi Olakh (S-1) view
    S.Y.B.A. Abhyaskramachi Olakh (S-2) view
    S.Y.B.A. Abhyaskramachi Olakh (G-2) view
    M.A.(I) Eitihasik Bhashavidnyan-1 view
    M.A.(I). Eitihasik Bhashavidnyan -2 view
    M.A.(I) Marathichi Purvpithika view
    M.A.(I) Marathicha Nirmitikal view
    M.A.(I) Marathi Bhashavikasache Kalik Tappe view
    M.A.(I) Bhashakul : Sankalpana v Swarup view
    M.A.(I) Indo Yuropian Bhashakul view
    M.A.(I). Samajbhashavidnyanc: Swarup v Sankalpana view
    M.A.(I) Bhashik Sapekshatavadacha Siddhant view
    M.A.(I). Bhasha, Boli v Samaj Parsparsambandh view
    M.A.(I). Bhasha Ani Arthik Vargvyavstha : Parsparsambandh view
    M.A.(I) Bhashik Bhandar v Laghukshetre view
    M.A.(I) Striyanchi Bhasha v Purushanchi Bhasha view
    M.A.(I) Samajatil Bhasha Upyojnatil Vividhata view
    M.A.(I) Pigin ani Criyol ya Navya Bhashanchi Nirmiti view
    Dr. Meenakshi Patil F.Y.B.A. Marathi Ekankika view
    S..Y.Bsc Marathi Kathadarshan view
    S.Y.Bsc. Marathi Kathadarshan view
    S..Y.Bsc. Marathi Kathadarshan view
    S.Y.Bsc. Marathi Kathadarshan view
    S.Y.Bsc. Marathi Kathadarshan view
    S.Y.Bsc. Marathi Kathadarshan view
    M.A. Sant Tukaram Niwdak Abhang view
    M.A. Sant Tukaram Niwdak Abhang view
    F.Y.B.Co m.. Samakalin Marathi Katha view
    F.Y.B.A. Samakalin Marathi Katha view
    F.Y.B.A. Samakalin Marathi Katha view
    F.Y.B.A. Samakalin Marathi Katha view
    M.A.II Nemlelya Sahityakrutincha Abhyas view
    M.A.II. Nemlelya Sahityakrutincha Abhyas view
    M.A.II. Nemlelya Sahityakrutincha Abhyas view
    M.A.II. Nemlelya Sahityakrutincha Abhyas view



    • Highly Qualified and well experienced Faculty.
    • Large no. of reference books, text books, literatures, autobiography of well-known personalities. Novels are available.
    • Books required for competitive examinations are available.


    • Less no. of admissions for P.G. classes.


    • In various field like Education, Arts, Journalism, Translator, Television, Film etc.
    • Various competitive examinations conducted by MPSC.


    • To face the increasing dominance of English.
    • To create zeal for Marathi in students.
    • To increase percentage of Marathi in dialogue and communication.
    • To increase the number of admissions of P.G. classes.

    Future Plan

    • To organized Guest Lecture series..
    • To organized State and National level seminars, conferences and workshops.
    • To extend efforts to increase translation proficiency among the students.
    • To create interest into minds of students research in language..
    Sr. No. Name of the faculty Designation Email
    1 Dr. Snehal S. Marathe Assistant Professor [email protected]
    2 Dr. Meenakshi Patil Associate Professor [email protected]