1. Overall supervision of activities of IQAC
2. To approve the minutes of meeting
3. Communication of decisions taken during IQAC meeting to the management
4. Approval authority for SOPs
1. To ensure active participation of all members in meetings/deliberations
2. To co-ordinate activities of IQAC
3. To ensure adherence of IQAC functioning as per SOPs
4. Preparation of Annual Quality Assurance Report (AQAR)
5. Scheduling of meetings, preparation of the agenda and minutes of the meeting
6. Maintain documents relating to IQAC activities
7. Updating of SOPs as and when required
1. To attend the meetings of IQAC regularly
2. To participate actively in preparation of AQAR
3. To contribute actively in academic audit
4. To participate actively in all other activities of IQAC
Functioning of IQAC:
Criterion in-charge:
One member of IQAC is nominated as NAAC Coordinator. Criterions are distributed
among the faculty for the smooth functioning of NAAC. Criteria in-charge will be responsible
for the activities falling under their respective criterion. In-charge shall co-opt members other
than IQAC members. Members of each criterion shall hold meetings as and when required
Sr.No. |
Criterion |
In-charge |
NAAC Coordinator |
Dr. Veena M. Nare |
1 |
Curricular Aspects |
Prof. J. P. Dixit |
2 |
Teaching- Learning |
Dr. Atul S. Kale |
3 |
Research, Innovations Extension |
Dr. Smita Harane |
4 |
Infrastructure and Learning Resources |
Dr. Tejaswini Sontakke |
5 |
Student Support and |
Dr. Meena F. Patil |
6 |
Governance, Leadership Management |
Dr. Deepanjali K. Borse |
7 |
Institutional Values and Best Practices |
Dr. Gautam L. Kolte |
Meetings of IQAC:
Members will meet on 4th Saturday of every month. Additional meetings may be held as and
when required. Coordinator in consultation with chairperson decides the agenda and sends
communication to all members. The date, time, venue and agenda of the meeting will be
communicated to the members at least one week in advance. Minutes of the meeting will be
sent to the members by e mail and uploaded to institutional website also.
Academic audit:
Academic audit will be done after completion of the academic year. Schedule of the audit will
be finalized by the Chairperson after discussion with the members during IQAC meeting.
Audit will be done as per the Academic audit module. Audit reports submitted by the auditors
are sent to the departments for corrective action.
Preparation of Annual Quality Assurance Report (AQAR):
AQAR will be prepared and discussed during IQAC meeting. Finalised AQAR will be placed
before Managing Committee for the approval and the approved AQAR will be submitted to the
IQAC Committee:
College has constituted IQAC Committee under the chairmanship of the Head of the Institution
with Vice Principal, Academic Supervisor, IQAC Coordinator and a few teachers. It helps for
planning and monitoring the activities. It is necessary for the members of the IQAC to shoulder
the responsibilities and to devote time for working out the procedural details.
Sr.No. |
Name |
Designation |
1 |
Prin. Dr. Mrunal Bhardwaj |
Chairperson |
2 |
Dr. Deepanjali K. Borse |
Vice-Principal/ IQAC Coordinator |
3 |
Dr. Veena M. Nare |
NAAC Coordinator |
4 |
Dr. Tejaswini Sontakke |
Academic Supervisor |
5 |
Dr. Sandip B. Nahire |
Assistant Coordinator |
6 |
Prof. Navneeta S. Desale |
Member |
7 |
Dr. Yogita D. Ghumare |
Member |
8 |
Dr. Pradnya Survase |
Member |
Tenure of membership:
The membership of members shall be for a period of two years.
Contact Details of M P H Mahila Mahavidyalya’s IQAC:
• Phone Number: 02554-250827
• Email: [email protected]
• Corresponding address:
M. P. H. Arts, Sci. and Com Mahila Mahavidyalaya,
Loknete Vyankatrao Hiray Marg, Malegaon Camp.
Tal Malegaon Dist. Nashik