Science Department

Features of the Department:

Establishment – 1990 (General Level) 1998 (Special Level)


Applying the principles of Psychology to promote development, learning, health and well being of female students.


  • Encourage the overall and dynamic personality development of female students.
  • Create awareness about mental health among them.
  • Salient Features

  • Qualified and Research orientated faculty
  • Provide counseling services
  • Expertise faculty with modern pedagogical techniques for promoting students’ skills.
  • Organize workshops, seminars and educational visits for students.
Name of the programme Programme Outcomes(POs), Programme Specific Outcomes(PSOs),Course Outcomes(COs)
B.A. view

F.Y. B. A. Psychology Semester – I

Paper No. Course Code Name of the Course
G-1 UAPSY-11221 Foundation of Psychology

Semester – II

Paper No. Course Code Name of the Course
G-1 UAPSY- 11222 Introduction to Social Psychology

S.Y. B. A. Psychology Semester – III

Paper No. Course Code Name of the Course
G-2 UAPSY - 23223 Health Psychology
S-1 UAPSY-23221 Psychology of Abnormal behaviour- I
S-2 UAPSY- 23222 Developmental Psychology
SEC UAPSY - 23224 Health Promotion life skills

Semester – IV

Paper No. Course Code Name of the Course
G-2 UAPSY- 24223 Positive Psychology
S-1 UAPSY- 24221 Psychology of Abnormal behaviour- II
S-2 UAPSY-24222 Theories of Personality
SEC UAPSY- 24224 Basic Counselling Skills

T.Y. B. A. Psychology Semester – V

Paper No. Course Code Name of the Course
G-3 UAPSY- 35223 Industrial and Organizational Psychology
S-3 UAPSY-35221 Psychological Testing – Theory
S-4 UAPSY- 35222 Psychological Test-Practical
SEC UAPSY- 35224 Personality Development -I

Semester – VI

Paper No. Course Code Name of the Course
G-3 UAPSY- 36223 Applied Psychology
S-3 UAPSY- 36221 Experimental Psychology-Theory
S-4 UAPSY-36222 Psychological Experiment-Practical
SEC UAPSY-36224 Personality Development -II

(T. Y. B. A. Psychology)

Year No. of student appeared No. of student passed Percentage
2017-18 17 12 70.58
2018-19 08 05 62.50
2019-20 15 09 60.00
2020-21 10 07 70.00
2021-22 08 06 75.00
2022-23 05 04 80


Year Rank Name of the Student
2017-18 1 Ahire Anju Rajendra
2 Ahire Komal Dilip
3 Sawant Pooja Keval
2018-19 1 Gosavi Sapana Vivekanand
2 Sabale Chandrapriya Raman
3 Shewale Rupali Abhiman
2019-20 1 Kote Yogita Sudam
2 Patil Pooja Subhash
3 Shelar Sakshi Samadhan
2020-21 1 Pawar Saloni Ramesh
2 Ahire Bhagyashri Suresh
3 Saidane Yamini Jagannath
2021-22 1 More Harshali Vilas
2 More Sayali Balkrushna
3 Wagh Vaishali Mahendra
2022-23 1 Patil Chetna Vijay
2 Jadhav Nutan Bharat
3 Chaudhari Rupali Raju

Teaching Faculty

Sr. No. Photo Name of the Faculty Date of Joining Designation Qualification Teaching Experience Link
1 Prof. Dr. bhardwaj 11.07.1995 I/Principal & Professor M.A., SET,Ph.D.,MBA 28 Years View/Read
2 Miss.Rohini D. Pawar 02.08.2019 Assist. Prof. (Grant-CHB) M.A., SET., 3 Years View/Read

Research Paper Published

Title of the paper Name of the Author/s Name of the Journal Year of Publication ISSN No. Link to the recognition in UGC enlistment of the Journal
वरिष्ठ महाविद्यालयातील विद्यार्थी अनुपस्थितीचा चिकित्सात्मक अभ्यास Dr. Ramesh Namdeo Nikam And D.K. Kannor Uniresearch: International Multidisciplinary E- Research Journal Oct. 2017 2321- 4953 view
Constructive Approach toward Teaching, Learning ana Dr. Ramesh NamdeoNikam Research Journey International E- Research Journal Oct.-Nov.-Dec.2019 2348- 7143 view
Internet addiction and psychological well-being among college students Dr. J. A. Sode International journal ShodhSarita March 2020. 2348-2397 view
Internet use and addiction among college students and its relation to personality traits, loneliness and psychological well- being Dr. J. A. Sode International Research Journal of Management Sociology & Humanities Dec 2020. 2229- 4929 view
Specific Phobia During the Covid-19 Pandemic First Wave in Maharashtra Dr. J. A. Sode International Journal of Indian Psychology Feb, 2021 2348- 5396 view
Anxiety and Perceived Stress among Primary School Teachers in Rural Area Engaged in Online Teaching During COVID-19 Pandemic Dr. J. A. Sode International Journal of Multidisciplinary Educational Research (IJMER) JISRAF Impact Factor 7.816 , April-June 2021 2349- 3429 view
Students Attitude Towards Online Teaching in Higher Education During Covid-19 Pandemic Dr. J. A. Sode International Research Journal of Management Sociology & Humanities Dec,2021. 2277-9809 view
Psychological Impact Of Covid Pandemic on Athletes Dr. J. A. Sode International Journal of Multidisciplinary Educational Research March, 2022. 2277- 7881 view

Student Research (AVISHKAR)

Year Name of the award/ medal/recognition Team / Individual University/State/National/International Name of the student/teacher
2014-15 Avishkar Research Competition Team Participated at District Level Competition Miss. Poonam Nerkar and Archana Khairnar
2022-23 “LVH INNOFEST 2023” Research Competition Team Participated at State Level Competition Miss. Chetna Vijay Patil and Miss. Vaishanvi Sarjerao Jadhav

Sr. No. Title of the collaborativ e activity Name of the Collaborative Agency with contact details Year of collabora tion Duration Nature of the activity View
1 Organized lectures महाराष्ट्र शासन महिला व बालविकास विभाग महाराष्ट्र राज्य मान्यताप्राप्त महिला समुपदेशन केंद्र मालेगाव, नाशिक 2021-22 5 Yrs Lectures view
2 Organized Webinar Sanvad Counseling, Psychological Testing And Wellness Centre, Jalna 2021-22 5 Yrs Webinar view

Psychometric Testing & Counselling

Title: Psychometric testing, counseling for various mental health related issues

The department of Psychology continuously taking an effort for providing the psychometric testing and counseling facilities to the students on various psychological issues.


  • 1) To provide psychometric testing with the help of standardized psychological tests for variety of purposes such as aptitude, intelligence, personality, attitude and career guidance.
  • 2) To provide awareness about various mental health related problem
  • 3) To provide counseling for various mental health problems.
  • 4) To use psychotherapies to help clients to overcome mental health related issues.

The Context

We all are living in an era wherein we face lots of stressors which effects on our physical as well as mental health such as stress, anxiety and depression. Psychometric testing through we can identifies thinking patterns, emotional processes and behavior patterns which contribute to mental illness. These tests provide the fundamental information about an individual.

In psychometric assessment there is a series of tasks that an individual has to solve. The tests are standardized means with sufficient validity and reliability. Psychometric tests offer a detailed evaluation of thought process, emotions. The psychometric testing is also effectively used for career guidance and counseling better career choice. The counseling is provided in a systematic way with the help of psychometric testing and use of psychotherapies.

The Practice

The counseling and psychometric testing conducted in the department by the faculty in person or sometimes group testing can also be conducted. All psychometric tests have a scoring system. The commonly used psychological tests are personality, aptitude, intelligence, occupational, creativity, mental health related clinical tests.

The counseling and psychometric testing involves following steps

  • 1) Establishing rapports
  • 2) Selecting the test
  • 3) Administration
  • 4) Scoring
  • 5) Interpretation
  • 6) Communicating & counseling psychometric intervention
  • The counseling provided as per the requests
  • Evidence of success

  • The positive outcomes of this practice are reflected through achieving following targets:
  • 1) Awareness regarding psychometric testing and mental health among students.
  • 2) Psycho education
  • 3) Targeted strategies to assist in effective management of a problem
  • 4) Increased confidence & self-esteem.
  • Problem encountered and resources required

    There are few problem encountered by the department while dealing with psychometric testing and counseling.

  • 1) Lack of awareness of counseling
  • 2) Ethical issues
  • 3) Lack of awareness of psychological issues
  • 4) Time constraints
  • 5) Resources required such as human resources and modern setup
  • Year Link
    2017-2022 view
    Name of the Alumni Designation Place Year of Passing
    Ahire Monika Sonu Head Clerk Samarth Altremodern Semi English School 2020
    Yalij Harshada Madan School Teacher Samarth Altramodren Semi English School 2020
    Dr. Pratibha Mehetre Assistant Professor MGM University, Chh.Sambhajinagar 2003
    Miss. Rohini Diliprao Pawar Assistant Professor MPH Mahila College, Malegaon 2010
    Rupali Ashok Khairnar SET Qualified LVH College, Panchvati, Nashik 2010
    Photo Name of the Faculty Award University/ Institute/ Agency
    Jaimala A. Sode Ph. D Degree Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune

    State Level Conference organized

    Sr.No. Title of the event State/ National/ International Schedule Details
    1. Guest Lecture on World Mental Health Day Local 10th October 2022 view
    2. Webinar on Life Skills and Stress Management State 6 th April 2023 view
    3. State Level Webinar on World Mental Health Day State 16th October 2021 view
    4. National Level Webinar on Mental Health for All National 10 th October 2020 view
    5 Workshop on Premarital Counseling and National Unity Sponsored by SPPU State 13 th February, 2020 view
    6 Online Lecture for College Students on Need of Counseling Local 4 th November 2020 view
    7 Guest Lecture on Career Avenues in Psychology on Local 14 th March 2020 view
    • TYBA Psychology Student Miss. Pratiksha Shewale Participated in State level Debating Competition organized by M. S. G. College, Malegaon.
    • TYBA Psychology Student Miss. Pratiksha Shewale Participated in State level Debating Competition organized by K.J. Somaiya College, Kopargaon.
    • TYBA students Miss. Bhavana Hiray and Pooja Patil participated and won first prize in Model Presentation competition organized by geography department (Geo Fair) of our college.

    SYBA and TYBA students participated in Psychology General Knowledge Exam dated on 23/01/2020 conducted by Department of Psychology, M.S.G College Malegaon and TYBA students Miss. Bhavana Hiray, Miss. Pooja Patil and Miss. Yogita Kote won the first, second & third prize.

    Field Visit

    The Department of Psychology is consistently organising field visits for the students which provide them an opportunity with direct experience of the practical application of Psychology in various fields. It's a part of Experiential activity of the Department.

    Link of E-content (UG)

    Name of the Teacher Class / Semester Semester Subject Link
    Dr. Jaimala Ashok Sode FYBA II Introduction to Social Psychology view
    FYBA II Introduction to Social Psychology view
    FYBA II Introduction to Social Psychology view
    FYBA I Foundation of Psychology view
    SYBA IV Positive Psychology view
    SYBA IV Positive Psychology view
    TYBA VI Experimental Psychology view
    TYBA VI Experimental Psychology view
    TYBA VI Experimental Psychology view



    • The department has qualified and experienced faculty.
    • The department offers psychometric testing and personal counselling to students who approach the teacher.
    • The teachers are engaged in research activities and published research papers in UGC recognised journals and international peer reviewed journals..


    • The specialization is on non-grant basis.
    • The students are belonging to rural area and there is limited awareness regarding the subject of Psychology
    • There are many colleges in the surrounded areas with coeducation which is affecting student strength


    • To purchase standardized psychological tests that will aid in counselling.
    • To organize seminars and workshops with multidisciplinary approach.
    • To promote students for research work.


    • Minimizing the students drop out ratio.
    • Creating awareness of Psychology subject among students belonging to rural area.
    • Convincing students to take the help of counselling for solving their educational and personal issues.

    Future Plan

    • To increase the number of MOU
    • To organize webinars, conferences with multidisciplinary approach
    • To increase the number of research publications.
    • To start well equipped counselling centre..
    Sr. No. Name of the faculty Designation Email
    1 Dr. R. B. Sawant Assistant Professor [email protected]
    2 Dr. S. B. Nahire Assistant Professor [email protected]
    3 Dr. A. S. Kale Assistant Professor [email protected]
    4 Smt. Shital Kapadnis Assistant Professor (CHB) [email protected]
    5 Miss. Aasiya Idrees Assistant Professor (CHB) [email protected]
    Sr.No. Title of the event State/ National/ International Schedule Details
    1 Guest Lecture on World Mental Health Day Local 10th October 2022 view
    2 Webinar on Life Skills and Stress Management State 6 th April 2023 view
    3 State Level Webinar on World Mental Health Day State 16th October 2021 view
    4 National Level Webinar on Mental Health for All National 10 th October 2020 view
    5 Workshop on Premarital Counseling and National Unity Sponsored by SPPU State 13 th February, 2020 view
    6 Online Lecture for College Students on Need of Counseling Local 4 th November 2020 view
    7 Guest Lecture on Career Avenues in Psychology on Local 14 th March 2020 view
    Name of the Teacher Class Semester Subject Link
    Dr. Jaimala Ashok Sode FYBA II Introduction to Social Psychology view
    FYBA II Introduction to Social Psychology view
    FYBA II Introduction to Social Psychology view
    FYBA I Foundation of Psychology view
    SYBA IV Positive Psychology view
    SYBA IV Positive Psychology view
    TYBA VI Experimental Psychology view
    TYBA VI Experimental Psychology view
    TYBA VI Experimental Psychology view


    • The department has qualified and experienced faculty.
    • The department offers psychometric testing and personal counselling to students who approach the teacher.
    • The teachers are engaged in research activities and published research papers in UGC recognised journals and international peer reviewed journals.


    • The specialization is on non-grant basis.
    • The students are belonging to rural area and there is limited awareness regarding the subject of Psychology
    • There are many colleges in the surrounded areas with coeducation which is affecting student strength


    • To purchase standardized psychological tests that will aid in counselling.
    • To organize seminars and workshops with multidisciplinary approach.
    • To promote students for research work.


    • Minimizing the students drop out ratio.
    • Creating awareness of Psychology subject among students belonging to rural area.
    • Convincing students to take the help of counselling for solving their educational and personal issues.

    Future Plan

    • To increase the number of MOU's.
    • To organize webinars, conferences with multidisciplinary approach
    • To increase the number of research publications.
    • To start well equipped counselling centre.
    Sr.No. Name of the faculty Designation Email
    1 Miss. Rohini Pawar Assistant Professor [email protected]