A long-awaited step in achieving transparency in administration has
been taken by enacting The Right To Information Act, 2005. It has been
well said that democracy can be established and achieved by informed
citizenry. It is necessary for the citizens to know as to how and why a
particular decision is taken and for that purpose to seek information before
making or drawing any conclusion. The purpose of this Act is to bring in
transparency in administration of the Government and to bring about
transformation in administrative machinery making it more open and free. It
defines the term ‘information’ and prescribes that it is in any material, in
any form, as records, documents, memos, e-mails, advices and opinions in
recorded form, press releases, circulars, orders, log books, contracts,
reports, papers and other things as provided.
Anyone can seek information regarding the activities of the college by
submitting a written application requesting for particulars of the information
to be sought. The reason for seeking information should be given. The duly
signed request may be addressed to the Information Officer, Mahilaratna
Pushpatai Hiray Arts, Science and Commerce Mahila Mahavidyalaya,
Malegaon Camp Dist. Nashik, Pin: 423105 along with the required fee.
Copies of documents will be charged according to the rate fixed by the State
Information Commission, Maharashtra.
Right to Information Act Committee
Name of the officer |
Designation |
Email id |
Mobile No. |
Prof. Dr. Mrunal A.
Bhardwaj |
Principal (Appellate) |
[email protected] |
7066031166 |
Dr. Deepanjali K. Borse |
Vice – Principal (Information Officer) |
[email protected] |
9403596547 |
Mr. Bhagwan K. Pawar |
Office Superintendent
Information Officer) |
[email protected] |
8329835087 |