The SPH Library is a central library located in main building area of 40.63.Sq Mts. Started since inception of the College. The library is safe, comfortable, well-lighted, and clean and is having adequate facilities. The library is automated with library software [Vriddhi] and is going to be upgraded to a barcode version. The library has LAN and an Internet facility. The library is open from 7.30 AM. To 5.30 PM for Staff & Students.
College is running classes from first year of BA, B.Com, B.Sc to M.A. Marathi, History, Music. To satisfy the needs of the students, faculty procures the Library textbooks, reference books, supporting books and the subject journals and periodicals in all subjects besides this Current topics from National & regional News Papers.
The heads of the respective departments, faculty members and students suggest the titles of the books to be purchased. Considering the needs of the books, number of students, the Library procures the reading material. The Library Advisory committee plays an important role in its functioning.
The books procured are accessioned manually and computerized also. The books are classified by the colon classification system and the arranged on the shelves in the stack room.
At present Library holding 19256 books including textbooks, reference books, various types of Encyclopedias, directories, dictionaries. The Library subscribes 57 periodicals, journals & 12 magazines & News Papers.
Sr.No |
Particulars |
Quantity |
1 |
Seating capacity of reading room |
50 |
2 |
No. of books in the Library |
19256 |
3 |
No. of Journals Subscribed |
69 |
Library Users
- 1. Senior College Faculty members.
- 2. Senior College (UG + PG) students.
- 3. Administrative staff.
- 4. Senior Citizens.
Sr. No. |
Name |
Designation & Qualification |
Job Description |
Photo |
1 |
Prof. Smt. Deore P. R. |
Librarian, NET M. Lib., M.A. |
Administration and Management of the Library. |
2 |
Mr. K. K. Kapadnis |
Lib. Attendant,B. com. |
In-charge of Data Entry and Accessions, In-Charge of circulation counter |
3 |
Mr. P. K. Jadhav |
Library Attendant,B.A |
In-Charge of cleanliness of main Library and In-Charge of circulation counter |
Best Practices
* Computerization of Library
The College Library is using highly professional “Vriddhi” Library Management Software; Library is providing advanced search facilities by using OPAC (On Line Public Access Catalogue-for faculty only). Other Library functions such as E-Books, E-Question Bank, E-Syllabus, Acquisition, Circulation, Serial Control etc. is underway and completed very soon.
* Library information in college prospectus
The College prospectus includes detailed Library information such as membership, Lending services, Books and Periodicals collection, Competitive Examination literature, Library timing, rules and regulations etc. With the help of prospectus, Students are fully acquainted with the Library functions and services. It is found very much useful tool for fresh student.
* Information Display Boards
Newspaper clippings on various topics such as MPSC/UPSC Examinations /Staff selection advertisements, Career Opportunities, articles related to education etc. are periodically displayed on notice boards. Library has 02 display boards. Clippings are also displayed on the notice boards at staff room and administrative office. Bibliographic compilation of library collection
* Library User’s Attendance
Separate attendance registers are kept at Main Entrance for students & Staff.
* Clearance Certificate
Clearance certificate are issued to students after they return the library belongings at theend of the academic year.
* Membership
The Students of SPH library are issued 02 cards. Of one is issue card for issuing books & second is ID card for identifying the student.
* Purchase policy
Library Advisory Committee approves the budget and subject wise allocation of funds at the beginning of academic year. Requirement of books and journals in prescribed format given by students, faculty and HOD’s duly checked for availability and duplication. Quotations are also invited for foreign and reference books from various booksellers and publishers. Respected Principal offers sanctions to requirements and quotations. Library prepares and dispatch purchase order to concerned publishers and booksellers.
* Number of books
Total books in the Library as on 08.1.2015 are 16311 which include textbooks, reference books, Encyclopedias, General References, Journals & Periodicals the books are added as under.
* Periodical Section:
Our College is having M.A. Marathi, History, and Music. All Subject journals and periodicals also help the faculty members in teaching, as the periodicals and journals include the facts regarding the advanced research and recent thoughts.
* List of Newspapers:
- Dinkar
- Lokmot
- Sakal
- Gavkari
- Deshdoot
- Punynagri
- Maharashtra Times
- Times of India (English)
- Loksatta
- Nav Bharat Times (Hindi)
- Divya Marathi
- Sahamnama (Urdu)