Science Department

About Department:

Department of Economics Established at the beginning of the College in June1990 Economics is a special level subject at beginning of Department. Economics Courses teaches candidates about the various factors working around the financial institutions in India and all over the world. The change we are witnessing today revolving around the economics of the country makes this course more important than ever. Due to its pervasiveness in all facets of society, economics has changed over time. It is a field of Social Science that helps us comprehend historical, contemporary, and hypothetical economic models. Understanding the world around us and how society, governments, corporations, and people use economics to make decisions is helpful.

Aims and objectives

  • Student will be able to identify and explain economic concept and theories related to today’s practical life.
  • To improve the economic literacy among the students.
  • To make students employable through subject knowledge and practical knowledge imparted in teaching.
  • To enable students to analyze formulate economic knowledge.
Name of the programme Programme Outcomes(POs), Programme Specific Outcomes(PSOs),Course Outcomes(COs)
B. A. Economics view

F.Y. B. A. /B.Com Economics
Semester – I

Paper No. Course Code Name of the Course
B. A. 11151 Indian Economic Environment-I
B.Com 113 Business Economics-I (Micro)
B.Com 115B Banking and Finance-I

Semester –II

Program Course Code Name of the Course
B. A. 12151 Indian Economic Environment-II
B.Com 123 Business Economics-II (Micro)
B.Com 125B Banking and Finance-II

S.Y. B. A./ B. Com Economics
Semester – III

Program Course Code Name of the Course
B.A. 23151 Micro Economics-I
B.A. 23152 Macro Economics-I
B.A. 23153 Financial System-I
B.A. 23154 SEC-2A-Basic Concepts of Research Methodology
B.Com 233 Business Economics-I (Macro)
B.Com 236 B Banking and Finance-I

Semester – IV

Program Course Code Name of the Course
B.A. 24151 Micro Economics-II
B.A. 24152 Macro Economics-II
B.A. 24153 Financial System-II
B.A. 24154 Basic Concepts of Research Methodology
B.Com. 243 Business Economics-II (Macro)
B.Com. 246 B Banking and Finance-I

T.Y. B. A. / B.Com Economics
Semester – V

Program Course Code Name of the Course
B.A. 35151 International Economics-I
B.A. 35152 DSE-2C-Public Finance-I
B.A. 35153 CC-1E-Indian Economic Development-I
B.A. 35154 Business Management-I
B.Com 253 Indian and Global Economic Development-I
B.Com 355 Banking and Finance-II
B.Com 365 B Banking and Finance-III

Semester – VI

Program Course Code Name of the Course
B.A. 36151 International Economics-II
B.A. 36152 Public Finance-II
B.A. 36153 Indian Economic Development-II
B.A. 36154 Business Management-II (Project Report)
B.A. 36154 Business Management-II (Project Report)
B.Com. 263 Indian and Global Economic Development-II
B.Com. 365 Banking and Finance-II
B.Com. 366 B Banking and Finance-III

Result (T. Y. B.A. Economics Special)

Year No. of student appeared No. of student passed Percentage
2017-18 19 15 78.94%
2018-19 18 11 61.11%
2019-20 20 09 45.00%
2020-21 18 12 66.66%
2021-22 20 16 80.00


Year Rank Name of the Student Percentage
2017-18 1 Nemnar Jayshree Nimba 67.66%
2 Deore Sarika Jagnath 67.33%
3 Sonaje Gaytri Bhausa 67.00%
2018-19 1 Pawar Vaishali Ashok 69.33%
2 Desale Vaishali Shankar 62.66%
3 Sudhakar Rupali Hiralal 62.66%
2019-20 1 Kale Diksha Dhondu 58.33%
2 Nerkar Jayshri Pramod 65.00%
3 Ushire Savita Pralhad 63.00%
2020-21 1 Sonar Sweta Dinesh 69.33%
2 Shivar Bhuvaneshwari B. 61.00%
3 Deore Ankita Aanand 57.33%
2021-22 1 Suryawanshi Monali Bhagwan 79.75%
2 Kuvar Sujata Bhaskar 77.5%
3 Vyalij Sandhya Satish 74.00%

Teaching Faculty

Sr. No. Photo Name of the Faculty Date of Joining Designation Qualification Teaching Experience Link
1 Dr. Patil Meena Fakira 21/09/2005 Assistant Professor M.A, M. Phil B.Ed. Ph.D., SET 15 Years View/Read
2 Dr. Sawant Rajani Namdev 1/08/1989 Associate Professor M. A., B.Ed. Ph. D 35 Years View/Read
3 Mr. Mahadev Rajendra Kshirsagar 14/o8/2008 Assistant Professor M.A. M. Phil. B. Ed. NET 15 Years View/Read
4 Mr. Sahebrao Baliram Patil 1/02/1993 Assistant Professor M.A. SET 33 Years View/Read

1. Research Guides:

Sr. No. Name of the Guide University No. of students registered Year of recognition
1 Dr. Meena Fakira Patil S.P.P. University, Pune - 9/12/2021

Research Paper Published

Sr. No. Name of the Faculty Number of research Publication Number of UGC-CARE Listed /Scopus/WOS Publication View details
1 Dr. Meena Fakira Patil 27 00 view
2 Dr. Sawant Rajani Namdev 15 00 view
3 Mr. Mahadev Rajendra Kahirsagar 14 00 view
4 Mr. S. B. Patil 01 00

Book/Chapters Published

Sr. No. Name of the Teacher Title of the book/ Chapters Published Title of the paper National / Internati onal Year of Publicati on ISSN/IS BN numbe r of procee ding Name of the Publisher
1 Dr. Meena Fakira Patil Recent Trends in Economics, Commerce& Management “States Of India in Human Developm ent Index” International 2017-18 Online ISSN- 2278- 8808 Printed ISSN- 2349- 4766
2 Dr. Meena Fakira Patil Scholarly Research Journal for interdisciplin ary Studies Status of India in Human Developm ent Index International Dec.- 2017 ISSN- 2278- 8808 Amitash Publication nad Company
3 Dr. Meena Fakira Patil Human Concerns and Issues in Economics Foreign Direct Investmen t in India International 2016-17 ISBN- 978-93- 83871- 65-0 Newman Publication, Parbhani
4 Dr. Meena Fakira Patil Multi- disciplinary Subjects For Research Black Money in India: Impact on Economic and Social System International 2020 ISBN- 978-1- 7948- 8891-3 Redshine Publication. London, India
5 Prof. R.M.Kshirsa gar Human Concerns and Issue in Literature, Social Sciences, Commerce and Technology FDI in Food Processing Sector in India: Policy Analysis FDI in Food Processin g sector in India: A Policy Analysis (15-18) 8 th April 2017 978-93- 83871-65-0 International Conference
6 Prof. R.M.Kshirsa gar Scholarly Research Journal for interdisciplin ary Studies Legislation and Child Labour in India International Dec.- 2017 ISSN- 2278- 8808 Amitash Publication nad Company
7 Prof. S .B. Patil Global Issues of Poverty, Development and Population Developed and Developin g Economy: Meaning and Concepts International 2021 978-91- 987581 -0-8 Redshine Publication. Lonawadwa, (Gujarat)
8 Dr. R.N. Sawant Chapter-20 P.No- 247-260 भारतातील कामगार ाांच्या समस्या व सुरक्षिततेचा अभ्यास 978-83- 81948- 54-4 14 Jan 2013 978- 83- 81948- 54-4 Dr.shekh Farukh Chinmany Prakashan Aurangabad
Chapter - 03 P.NO 59to 62 Globa ization and Indian econo my and analyti cal approach 978-81- 965415- 7-1 16 feb 2011 978- 81- 965415 - 7-1 D.CJaule & S.J. kavady Chinm ay Prakashan Aurangabad

Conferences/ Seminar/ Workshop organized:

Sr. No. Title of the event State/ National/ International Schedule View details
1 State level seminar on, “Changes in Tax System in India” State One Day 2 Feb. 2018

Sr. No. Organization with which MoU is signed Year of signing MoU/ Collaboration / Linkage List of Activities under each MoU Weblink
1 Heart care and Food Products 2019-20 Field Visit view
2 Vyankatesh Cooperative Bank, Malegaon 2021-22 Field Visit view
3 K. B. H. Institute of Management and Research, Malegaon 2021-22 Guest Lecture view

Title of the Practice: Manuscript Writing

On behalf of the Department of Economics, a manuscript is prepared every year based on current Economic Affairs. In this ideological current economic topic is selected, students brainstorm on it and the product of these thoughts is the manuscript of that year. During the five years from 2017-18 to 2021-22 the following manuscript have been prepared of the Department.

The Objectives:

  • 1. To develop the ability to thinking about current economic issues
  • 2. To studying and analyzing economic problems and suggesting solutions to them.
  • 3. To know modern technology in Banking Sector
  • 4. To preparing the manuscript that the students should read articles on different topics and add to their knowledge.
  • Outcomes:

  • 1) Manuscript is shown as the best activity by the Department of Economics, because the articles in this manuscript are written by the students themselves, before writing these articles students studying various references. So, their intellectual level would be improved
  • 2) The basic purpose of manuscript preparation is to make the students accustomed to writing and to increase their knowledge related to subject and also increased their thinking lev
  • 3) While writing this manuscript the student learned many new English words and the student readers will definitely get benefit from it.
  • 4) While writing this manuscript the students studied various dictionaries and prepare the manuscript.
  • Sr.No. Name of the Alumni Designation Place Year of Passing
    1 Desale Vaishali Shankar farmer Satana 2017-18
    2 Prasoda Priyanka NMC Malegaon 2017-18
    3 Tele Varsha Santosh Teacher English Medium School at Mhasadi , Tal-Sakri (DHULE) 2017-18
    4 Shardul Nikita Shravan Successful Beautician Malegaon 2018-19
    5 Sarita Jagnnath Deore Teacher S.K.D International School, Bhavade, Tal. Deola, Dist-Nashik
    6 Pawar Vaishali Ashok Data Operator Hindustan Aeronautics Limited, Ozar Dist. Nashik 2019-20
    7 Nerkar Jayshree Pramod Private School Teacher Ajang, malegaon 2019-20
    8 Sonar Sweta Dinesh Entrepreneur Cake Shop, Malegaon 2020-21
    9 Musale Kajal Mahendra Lab Assistant Sai Multispecialty Hospital Pathology Lab 2021-22
    10 Shelar Mayuri Sanjay Insurance Executive Officer SHAN CARS, Malegaon (Nashik) 2021-22
    photo Name of the Faculty Award University/ Institute/ Agency
    Desale Vaishali Shankar “KRUSHITHON” For innovative Research in Agricultural Sector and successful farmer (2017-18) Maharashtra Government
    Dr. Meena F. Patil “Adarsh Shikshak Purshkar-2016” Bharat Vikas Parishad
    Sr.No. Name of Teacher Class Topics of PPT Google link of PPT & other ICT Tools
    1 Dr. Meena Fakira Patil FYBA Sem.-II Chap. III Banking Environmen t view
    2 Dr. Meena Fakira Patil SYBA G-2 Sem.-II Chap. II Financial system view
    3 Dr. Meena Fakira Patil SYBA G-2 Sem.-II Chap. II Financial system view
    4 Dr. Meena Fakira Patil TYBA S-3 Internationa l Economics view
    5 Dr. Meena Fakira Patil TYBA S-3 Internationa l Economics view
    6 Dr. Meena Fakira Patil TYBA S-3 Internationa l Economics view
    7 Dr. Meena Fakira Patil FYBA G-1 Indian Economic Environmen t view
    8 Dr. R. N. Sawant FYB COM Banking and Finance view
    9 Dr. R. N. Sawant TYB COM view
    10 Dr. R. N. Sawant FYBA G-1 Indian Economic Environmen t view
    11 Prof. S.B. Patil TYBCOM Banking view
    12 Prof. S.B. Patil TY BCom Paper III (Chapter-1) Indian Banking: Law And Practices view
    13 Prof. S.B. Patil TY BCom Paper III (Chapter-2) Banking Law and Practices in India view
    14 Prof. S.B. Patil TY BCom Paper III (chapter-4) Banking Law and Practices in India view
    15 Prof. S.B. Patil TY BCom Paper III (chapter 4) Banking Law and Practices in India view
    16 Prof. S.B. Patil TY BCom Paper II (Chapter 3) Financial Markets and Institutions in India view



    • Qualified and well experienced faculty, large number of reference books and literatures and guidance to students for UPSC & MPSC Exam.


    • No awareness about the subject importance in competitive exams like NET, SLET, UPSC, MPSC & Banking and career opportunities in the field of production, marketing, trade, accountancy, information technology and economic literacy..


    • Competitive exams and jobs in other sector like in Banking Sector, Co-operative Societies, Companies, Teacher, Government Sector, & Private Sector etc.


    • The era of Globalization, liberalization and privatization adopted in the world after 1991 requires intellectual and ideological intelligence; the student or youth of Economics should be aware of this.

    Future Plan

    • To run certificate course or value-added course on guidance of job oriented, built entrepreneurship and competitive exams
    • To organize a training/ technical camp on creating entrepreneurs.
    • Organizing various programmes on soft skills development.
    • To organize various programs to build confidence among students in terms of women empowerment.
    Sr. No. Name of the faculty Designation Email
    1 Dr. Meena F. Patil Assistant Professor [email protected]
    2 Dr. Rajani N. Sawant Associate Professor [email protected]