Science Department

Features of the Department:

The Chemistry department of the Mahilaratna Pushpatai Hiray Arts, Science and Commerce Mahila Mahavidyalaya, Malegaon was started in June 1990. This is one of the largest science departments of the college. In its history of 33 years, it has grown considerably. The department conducts undergraduate (UG) program in chemistry with an enrollment of nearly 325 girl students from various rural areas. The department has well equipped laboratory with spacious classrooms. Department has ample stock of laboratory chemicals, glassware and other equipment required for U.G. level course.

The department has received star college scheme grant for strengthening of the department from DBT, GOI. The Star College Program acts as a catalyst for strengthening critical thinking and "hands-on- experiments" at the undergraduate level of basic science. It also promotes exposure visits to research institutes and industries to attract youth into networking and prepare them for the challenges of the future.  The department of chemistry is a dynamic, growing department with faculty dedicated to providing quality education for all undergraduates through innovative programs. The faculty members of the Chemistry Department have published more than 100 papers in the reputed National and International Journals. The department also conducts certificate course in soil and water analysis, green chemistry, dairy chemistry, etc. The department also offers research projects to the students to inculcate the research aptitude among the students.

Name of the programme Programme Outcomes(POs), Programme Specific Outcomes(PSOs),Course Outcomes(COs)
B. Sc view

F.Y. B. Sc Chemistry Semester – I

Paper No. Course Code Name of the Course
I CH -101 Physical Chemistry
II CH -102 Organic Chemistry
III CH -103 Chemistry Practical - I

Semester – II

Paper No. Course Code Name of the Course
I CH-201 Inorganic Chemistry
II CH-202 Analytical Chemistry
III CH-203 Chemistry Practical-II

S.Y. B. Sc Chemistry Semester – III

Paper No. Course Code Name of the Course
I CH-301 Physical & Analytical Chemistry-I
II CH-302 Inorganic & Organic Chemistry-I
III CH-303 Chemistry Practical-III

Semester – IV

Paper No. Course Code Name of the Course
I CH-401 Physical & Analytical Chemistry-II
II CH-402 Inorganic & Organic Chemistry-II
III CH-403 Chemistry Practical-IV

T.Y. B. Sc Chemistry Semester – V

Paper No. Course Code Name of the Course
I CH-501 Physical Chemistry-I
II CH-502 Analytical Chemistry-I
III CH-503 Physical Chemistry Practical - I
IV CH-504 Inorganic Chemistry-I
V CH-505 Industrial Chemistry-I
VI CH-506 Inorganic Chemistry Practical - I
VII CH-507 Organic Chemistry-I
VIII CH-508 Chemistry of Biomolecules
IX CH-509 Organic Chemistry Practical-I
X CH-510B Polymer Chemistry
XI CH-511A Environmental Chemistry

Semester – VI

Paper No. Course Code Name of the Course
I CH-601 Physical Chemistry-II
II CH-602 Physical Chemistry-III
III CH-603 Physical Chemistry Practical - II
IV CH-604 Inorganic Chemistry-II
V CH-605 Inorganic Chemistry-III
VI CH-606 Inorganic Chemistry Practical - II
VII CH-607 Organic Chemistry-II
VIII CH-608 Organic Chemistry-III
IX CH-609 Organic Chemistry Practical-II
X CH-610B Introduction to Forensic chemistry
XI CH-611A Analytical Chemistry-II

Result (T. Y. B. Sc Chemistry)

Year No. of student appeared No. of student passed Percentage
2022-2023 51 51 100 %


Year Rank Name of the student
2022-2023 1 Kale Tanuja Ishwar
2 Shewale Vaishnavi Bharat
3 Jadhav Nutan Nandu

Result (T. Y. B. Sc Chemistry)

Year No. of student appeared No. of student passed Percentage
2017-18 22 20 91
2018-19 36 35 97.22
2019-20 22 22 100
2020-21 44 43 97.22
2021-22 35 34 97.22


Year Rank Name of the Student
2017-18 1 Pawar Kalyani Kailas
2 Bhoi Neelima Kashiram
3 Nikam Mayuri Vijay
2018-19 1 Kurhe Darshana Keshavrao
2 Pethkar Nilam Dinesh
3 Shelar Kajol Arun
2019-20 1 Pagar Tejaswini Ramchandra
2 Ahire Anjali Dharmendra
3 Deore Kalyani Suresh
2020-21 1 Shirke Pooja Dnyaneshwar
2 Hiray Ashwini B
3 Deore Rutuja S.
2021-22 1 Patel Pooja Bharat
2 Pawar Yamini Rajendra
3 Vyalij Komal Gangadhar

Teaching Faculty

Sr. No. Photo Name of the Faculty Date of Joining Designation Qualification Teaching Experience Link
1 Dr. Rajashri B. Sawant 01.08.2006 Assistant Professor M.Sc, M.Phil, Ph.D 17 Years View/Read
2 Dr. Sandip B. Nahire 21.11.2011 Assistant Professor M.Sc. NET, SET, Ph.D. 11 Years View/Read
3 Dr. Atul S. Kale 11.07.2019 Assistant Professor M.Sc. B.Ed. NET, SET, GATE, Ph.D. 9 Years View/Read
4 Smt. Shital S.Kapadnis 02.08.2019 Assistant Professor(CHB) M.Sc. SET 4 Years View/Read
5 Miss Aasiya khatoon Idrees 18.08.2022 Assistant Professor (CHB) M.Sc. SET, GATE 1 Years View/Read

Research Guides

Sr. No. Name of the Guide University No. of students registered Year of recognition
1 Dr. Rajashri B. Sawant S.P.P. University, Pune 03 2018
2 Dr. Sandip B. Nahire S.P.P. University, Pune -- 2023

Ph. D Scholar Registered

Sr. No. Name of the Scholar Name of the Guide Title of the thesis Degree Awarded Year of award of degree Name of the Research Center
1 Deore Jaydip Valmik Dr. R. B. Sawant Green synthesis of Monometalic and bi metallic nano particles for biomedical and catalytic applications Ongoing Ongoing M.S.G. College Malegaon
2 Pagare Amol Ratan Synthesis Characterization of transition metal nano particles and its catalytic applications for synthesis of biological active organic compounds by using environment friendly green chemical reaction and their biological study. Ongoing Ongoing M.S.G. College Malegaon

Research Project Completed

Sr. No. Name of the Faculty Title of the Project Funding Agency Amount Sanctioned Year of Award
1 Dr. R.B. Sawant New Synthetic Methodology for Conversion of Nitro Group to Amines as well as Ring Opening of Isoxazolidine Ring by Using Molybdenum Metal UGC 4,05,000/- 2017-18
2 N.V. Sadgir Synthesis of Heterocyclic Compounds derived from Chalcones UGC 2,80,000 2017-18

Research Paper Published

Sr. No. Name of the Faculty Number of research Publication Number of UGC- CARE Listed /Scopus/WOS Publication View details
1 Dr. R. B. Sawant 20 20 view
2 Dr. S.B. Nahire 11 11 view
3 Dr. A.S. Kale 13 13 view
4 Smt. S.S. Kapadnis 3 3 view

Book/Chapters Published

Sr. No. Name of the Teacher Title of the book/ Chapters Published Title of the paper National/ International Year of Publication ISSN/ISBN number of proceeding Name of the Publisher
1 Atul S.Kale, Sachin S. Kale Multidisciplinary Subjects for Research-X Multidiscipli nary Subjects for Research- X International 2020 978-1-312-60839-9 Red’shine publication
2 Dr.Pankaj Pawar, Dr Narendra Dokhe, Dr Sandip Pathade, Dr.Sandip Balkrishna Nahire Research trends in Multidisciplinar y research Research Methodology International 2022 978-93-5570-307-1 AkiNik Publication

Conferences/ Seminar/ Workshop organized:

Sr. No. Title of the event State/ National/ International Schedule View details
1 Role of Environmental Chemistry in our life State 3 rd Feb 2017 view

Workshop on IPR/ Research Methodology

Sr. No. Title of the workshop State/ National/ International Schedule
1 Research Methodology State 10.01.2018
2 Research Methodology State 27.11.2018
3 Research Methodology State 09.04.2019
4 Research Methodology National 28 th and 29 th 2023
View Details view

Sr. No. Name of the MoU Name of the Collaborative Agency Year of signing MoU/ Collaboration/ Linkage List of Activities under each MoU Weblink
1 Department of Chemistry, M.S.G. Arts, Science and Commerce College, Malegaon Camp Department of Chemistry, M.S.G. Arts, Science and Commerce College, Malegaon Camp 2018-19 Lab Visit view
2 M.B. Sugars and Pharmaceutical Ltd., Nilgavhan, Tal- Malegaon (Nashik) M.B. Sugars and Pharmaceutical Ltd., Nilgavhan, Tal- Malegaon (Nashik) 2021-22 Industrial Visit
3 M/S Sumangal Agro Industries, Belgaon, Tal- Malegaon M/S Sumangal Agro Industries, Belgaon, Tal- Malegaon 2021-22 Field Visit
4 Krishi Vighyan Kendra, Vadel, Tal- Malegaon Krishi Vighyan Kendra, Vadel, Tal- Malegaon 2021-22 Field Visit

Title of the Practice

Quiz competition on the periodic table

Objectives of the Practice

The objective of conducting a quiz competition is to assess participants' knowledge both within and outside of the classroom, as well as to familiarize them with quiz possibilities and the objectivity of the questions. The competition's major goal is to increase interest in topics related to periodic table. The department has regularly organized ‘Quiz competition on the periodic table’ for FY/SY/TY B.Sc. students to increase the knowledge of all the elements present in the periodic table.


  • Understand that the periodic table is a way to sort elements
  • Understand that elements are placed on the periodic table due to similar properties
  • Identify a period and a group on the periodic table
  • List at least three metals, non-metals and metalloids
  • List at least two properties of each: metals, non-metals and metalloids

Year. Link
2021-22 view
2022-23 view
Name of the Alumni Designation Place Year of Passing
Desale Priyanka Madhukar Research Associate Mahatma Gandhi Mission, N- 6, CIDCO, Aurangabad 2017-18
Wagh Yamini Pradip Assistant Professor SNJB’s KKHA Arts SMGL Com. And SPHJ Sci. College, Chandwad 2017-18
Munwar Komal Shivaji Lecturer M.S.G. College, Malegaon 2018-19
Gaikwad Manisha Madhukar Accounts clerk Distric Treasury Office, Dhule 2019-20
Sajeda Samreen Sayyed Ibrahim Assistant Professor SNJB’s KKHA Arts SMGL Com. And SPHJ Sci. College, Chandwad 2019-20
Supare Shweta Dilip Lecturer SPH Mahila College, Malegaon 2019-20
Bachhav Pallavi Balkrishna Lecturer SPH Mahila College,Malegaon 2019-20
Aafreen Shaikh Ashfaque Medical technologist Oncquest Lab. Ltd. 2020-21
Roomana Yusuf Accessioning Officer Metropolice Health care Ltd.Pune 2020-21
Pathak Trupti Sunil Teacher Rajiv Gandhi International School, Dabhadi 2020-21
Nerkar Jagruti Nanasaheb Assistant Professor Loknete Vyankatrao Hiray, Arts Sci and Com College Panchavati Nashik 2021-22
Sonawane Divya Dipak Field executive Ashish Sevices Malegaon 2021-22
Nikam Mayuri Vijay Lecturer Arts Com and Sci College Ravalgaon 2022-23
Shelar Kajol Arun Trainee Analyst Anazeal Analytical and research Pvt. Ltd. Navi Mumbai 2022-23
Photo Name of the Faculty Award University/ Institute/ Agency
Smt. B.V.Shewale Guru Sanman Puraskar - 2019 Rotary Club Nashik
Atul S. Kale Ph. D Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune
Dr. Shital S. Kapadnis Ph. D K.B.C.N.M.U. Jalgaon

State Level Conference organized

Name of the Conference Funding Agency Year Amount Sanctioned Report Link
Role of Environmental Chemistry in our Life BCUD 2016-17 60000/- view

Name of the Teacher Class / Semester Link
Dr. R. B. Sawant F.Y. B.Sc I & II Physical Chemistry
Dr. S. B. Nahire M.Sc. I & II Physical Chemistry
Dr. A. S. Kale F Y B. Sc. Sem-I CH- 102: Organic Chemistry
Chapter 1: Fundamentals of Organic Chemistry
Chapter 2: Stereochemistry
Chapter 3: Aliphatic Hydrocarbons
CH-201: Inorganic Chemistry
Chapter- 1: Atomic Structure
Chapter 2: Periodic table & periodicity of elements
Chapter 3: Chemical Bonding
Part1: view
CH-507: Organic Chemistry – I
Chapter 1: Polynuclear and Heteronuclear Aromatic Compounds
Chapter 2: Active Methylene Compounds
T. Y. B.Sc. CH-607: Organic Chemistry-II
Chapter 1: Introduction to Spectroscopyview
Sem II
Chapter 2: Ultra Violet and Visible Spectroscopy
Chapter 3: Infra-Red Spectroscopyview
Chapter 4: Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (PMR)
Chapter 5: Combined problems based on U.V., I.R. and PMR spectroscopy
Chapter 6: Stereochemistry of Disubstituted Cyclohexane and Decalinview
Smt.Shital Kapadnis T.Y.B. Sc. Sem - II Organic Chemistry -II
Miss. Aasiya Idrees S.Y. B.Sc. and T. Y. B.Sc Sem I and II Inorganic Chemistry -II



  • Experienced and qualified faculty member.
  • Many articles published in reputable national and international journals
  • A significant number of research projects.
  • Faculty actively involved in academic committees
  • Laboratory enriched with good number of equipment.


  • Weak Industry- Academia Interaction
  • Lack of sufficient laboratories


  • To start a PG Chemistry course.
  • A capable faculty member encourages and mentors students to pursue higher education and to sit for competitive tests
  • To increase Industry Academia interaction.


  • To improve the language and communication skills of students coming from rural and under developed areas.
  • To use current curricula to satisfy industry needs.
  • To increase the knowledge of self-employment

Future Plan

  • To start M.Sc. in Chemistry.
  • To start Certificate courses related chemistry.
  • To upgrade the department's infrastructure, this will include a UG-level lab, a departmental library, smart classes, and more computer resources.
Sr. No. Name of the faculty Designation Email
1 Dr. R. B. Sawant Assistant Professor [email protected]
2 Dr. S. B. Nahire Assistant Professor [email protected]
3 Dr. A. S. Kale Assistant Professor [email protected]
4 Smt. Shital Kapadnis Assistant Professor (CHB) [email protected]
5 Miss. Aasiya Idrees Assistant Professor (CHB) [email protected]