Science Department

About the Department

The Department of Physics was established in 1971 and offers UG Program in Physics. The department has a well-equipped laboratory with adequate instruments for the regular Practical sessions. The department has experienced faculty who publish their scholarly research in reputed Journals. The department has maintained an enriched departmental library with Textbooks, Reference books and Magazines. The faculty of the department has designed a Practical Handbook useful for students as well as teachers. It contains detailed instructions for the practical in Physics. The faculty of the department has also written a textbook that is prescribed for S.Y. BSc. By the affiliating university. The faculty is keen on motivating and guiding the students of the department to write research articles and present them in seminars /conferences.

Features of the Department

  • Highly qualified faculty with diverse research interests
  • A well-equipped laboratory to conduct experiments in Physics
  • Enriched departmental library
  • Practical Handbook designed by the faculty
  • Motivating students for future research through Research Paper writing and presentation of the paper.
  • Availing participation of the students in Avishkar and INNOFEST competitions
  • Availing participation of the students in co-curricular and extra-curricular activities
Name of the programme Programme Outcomes(POs), Programme Specific Outcomes(PSOs),Course Outcomes(COs)
B. Sc view

F.Y. B.Sc Physics Semester – I

Paper No. Course Code Name of the Course
I PHY 111 Mechanics and Properties of matter
II PHY 112 Physics principle and applications
III PHY 113 Physics Practical

Semester – II

Paper No. Course Code Name of the Course
I PHY 121 Heat and Thermodynamics
II PHY 122 Electricity and Magnetism
III PHY 123 Physics Practical

S.Y. B.Sc Physics

Semester – III

Paper No. Course Code Name of the Course
I PHY 231 Mathematical methods in Physics I
II PHY 232 Electronics I
III PHY 233 Physics practical

Semester – IV

Paper No. Course Code Name of the Course
I PHY 241 Oscillations wave and sound
II PHY 242 Optics
III PHY 243 Physics practical

T.Y. B.Sc Physics
Semester – V

Paper No. Course Code Name of the Course
I PHY 351 Mathematical methods in Physics II
II PHY 352 Electrodynamics
III PHY 353 Classical Mechanics
IV PHY 354 Atomic and molecular Physics
V PHY 355 Computational Physics
VI PHY 356 B Elements of materials science
VII PHY 3510 I Energy studies
VIII PHY 3511L Physics of workshop skill
IX PHY 357 Physics Lab I
X PHY 358 Physics Lab II
XI PHY 359 Physics Lab III Project

Semester – VI

Paper No. Course Code Name of the Course
I PHY 361 Solid state Physics
II PHY 362 Quantum mechanics
III PHY 363 Thermodynamics and statistical mechanics
IV PHY 364 Nuclear Physics
V PHY 365 A Electronics II
VI PHY 366 S Lasers
VII PHY 3610 X Solar PV system ,installation ,repairing and maintenanceI
VIII PHY 3611 AC Radiation Physics
IX PHY 367 Physics Lab I
X PHY 378 Physics Lab II
XI PHY 389 Physics Lab III

Result (T. Y. B.Sc Physics)

Year No. of student appeared No. of student passed Percentage
2017-18 12 07 58.33%
2018-19 16 12 75%
2019-20 19 19 95%
2020-21 22 21 95.5%
2021-22 13 07 54%


Year Rank Name of the Student
2017-18 1 Patil Kalyani Arjun
2 Patil Vaishnavi Rajendra/td>
3 Kotkar Bhagyashri Hari
2018-19 1 Nimrah Khan Iftekhar Khan
2 An Layba Firdous
3 Khairnar Smita Sanjay
2019-20 1 Shewale Tejswini
2 Kannor Shraddha Ambadas
3 Ghumare Yogita. Chipa Priyanka.
2020-21 1 Nazmeen Ezaz Ahmad
2 Ansari Aaisha
3 Nikam Vaishali
2021-22 1 Gangurde Vishval Rajendra
2 Momin Marrium
3 Najm-E-Yashfeen

Teaching Faculty

Sr. No. Photo Name of the Faculty Date of Joining Designation Qualification Teaching Experience Link
1 Mr. J. P. Dixit 05.10.1990 Associate Professor and Head M. Sc 32 Years View/Read
2 Dr. K. S. Thakare 04.09.1991 Associate Professor M. Sc, Ph. D. 31 Years View/Read
3 Smt. M. S. Sonawane 04.09.1991 Assistant Professor M. Sc. 31 Years View/Read

1. Research Guides:

Sr. No. Name of the Guide University No. of students registered Year of recognition
1 Dr. R. N. Shelar S.P.P. University, Pune 02 2018

2. Research Project Completed:

Sr. No. Name of the Faculty Title of the Project Funding Agency Amount Sanctioned Year of Award
1 Miss. Salunke Vaishali Tanaji Preparation & characterization of Doped Undoped synthesized ZnO Thick Films as Gas Sensors UGC Sanctioned on 08/01/2016 4,70000/- 2017-18

3. Research Papers:

Sr. No. Name of the Faculty Number of research Publication Number of UGC-CARE Listed /Scopus/WOS Publication
1 Dr. K. S. Thakare 05 01
2 Prof. J. P. Dixit 05 -
3 Smt. M. S. Sonawane 05 01

Title of the Best Practices:

  • NGPE: National Graduate Physics Examination.
  • Objectives of the Practice:

    • 1. Students can apply online on as well as through centre.
    • 2. Fully voluntary examination in stress free environment.
    • 3. It provides individual’s own assessment at all India level.
    • 4. Carry away the question paper part A, part B and part C.
    • 5. Last year Question paper & its solution for every centre registered for NGPE.

    The Practice:

    NGPE examination is conducted by Indian Association of Physics Teachers every year in the month of January throughout India from Kashmir to Kanyakumari and Kachchh to Kohima at about 270 centres for Graduate students studying Physics.

    Outcomes: This examination provides an opportunity to an individual Physics student to Sharpen his/her hold on the subject & to assess the name at all India level.

    Name of the Alumni Designation Place Contact No. Year of Passing
    Desale Priyanka Madhukar Research Associate Mahatma Gandhi Mission, N- 6, CIDCO, Aurangabad 2017-18
    Wagh Yamini Pradip Assistant Professor SNJB’s KKHA Arts SMGL Com. And SPHJ Sci. College, Chandwad 2017-18
    Saima Nafees Akhalaque Ah. Design Engineer ASML Company, Netherland +41786288220 2005-06
    Bachhav Yogeshwari Dinkar Research Student MSG College ,Malegaon Camp 9175980546 2011-12
    Dingar Mansi Sanjay Branch Relationship Associate A Calibehr Business Support Services,Pvt.Ltd. Nashik 9637710470 2019-20
    Kannor Shraddha Ambadas Assistant Professor Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapith, Rahuri, Agriculture Politechnic,Kashti (Malegaon) 9307645281 2019-20
    Wagh Pooja Nanaji Phlebotomist HLL Life Limited 7499020043 2019-20
    Khairnar Ashwini Popat Intern Decimal Point Analytics Private Limited 9518597488 2020-21
    Name of the faculty Class SEM Topic Taught E-Content Link
    Smt. M.S. Sonawane F.Y.B.Sc. II Fundamentals Of Thermodynamics view
    Smt. M.S. Sonawane F.Y.B.Sc. II Applied Thermodynamics view
    Smt. M.S. Sonawane F.Y.B.Sc. II Heat Transfer Mechanisms view
    Smt. M.S. Sonawane F.Y.B.Sc. II Thermometry view
    Smt. M.S. Sonawane T.Y.B.Sc II Introduction To Lasers view
    Smt. M.S. Sonawane T.Y.B.Sc II Laser Actions view
    Smt. M.S. Sonawane T.Y.B.Sc. II Laser Oscillator view
    Smt. M.S. Sonawane T.Y.B.Sc. II Laser Output view
    Smt. M.S. Sonawane T.Y.B.Sc. II Characteristics Of Lasers view
    Smt. M.S. Sonawane T.Y.B.Sc. II Types Of Lasers view
    Smt. M.S. Sonawane T.Y.B.Sc. II Kinetic Theory view
    Smt. M.S. Sonawane T.Y.B.Sc. II Maxwell Relations And Applications view
    Smt. M.S. Sonawane T.Y.B.Sc. II Elementary Concept view
    Smt. M.S. Sonawane T.Y.B.Sc. II Elementary Concept Of Statistics view
    J. P. Dixit S Y B Sc II PRACTICAL view
    J. P. Dixit T Y B Sc II Nuclear Physics PPT view



    • A well-furnished and well-equipped laboratory
    • Adequate instruments and Software tools for regular Practical.
    • The Physics Practical Handbook has been prepared by the faculty
    • Authored textbook for S. Y. B. Sc. Physics students.
    • Research papers published regularly in National and International Journals.
    • Research papers presented regularly at National and International Conferences.
    •  Organized National/International conferences.
    •  Involvement of the faculty in various academic bodies of the college and university.


    • No collaboration with research institutions.


    • Undertake minor/major research projects funded by various agencies..
    • The department can play an important role for popularization & development of Nonconventional energy sources.


    • Provide job oriented programmes and campus placements.
    • To full fill the need of industry by updating curriculum..

    Future Plans

    •  Industry-based field project for T.Y.B.Sc. students
    •  MoUs with industries for training and placement.
    •  Collaborations, Linkages and MoUs with reputed institutions, industries, and research laboratories for research work.
    •  Increasing ICT facilities and enrichment of E-content on subject-related topics.
    •  Development of more research facilities for project-based related characterization.
    •  Organization of Seminars/Workshops/Conferences related to advances in nanotechnology.
    •  Submission of proposals for Minor/Major research projects to various funding agencies.
    •  Hands-on training workshop on advanced hardware and software tools.
    •  Publication of research papers in reputed UGC-listed journals.
    •  Organization of placement camp and internship
    •  Coordination and monitoring of Atal Tinkering Laboratories work of various schools in Nashik city.
    Sr. No. Name of the faculty Designation Email
    1 Mr. J.P. Dixit Assistant Professor [email protected]
    2 Smt. M.S. Sonwane Assistant Professor [email protected]