Botany Department

About the Department

Department of Botany was established in 1990. It offers up to date program of F.Y. B.Sc. S.Y. B. Sc, & T.Y. B. Sc in Botany which emphasis on emerging areas of modern botany including various advance course like Plant Physiology,  Plant Biotechnology, genetics, applied Botany (Tissue culture technique, Greenhouse technology, Industrial botany) and Fundamental botany (taxonomy, anatomy, physiology of plants). Department has always placed emphasis on teaching, co-curricular activities and Extra - curricular activities.

Class tests, Assignments, Hands on activities, are given to the students to enhance their curricular performance. Study tours, Botanical garden visits, guest lectures, project exhibitions and seminar are few of the co-curricular activities organized by the department which certainly prepare the students to face the future challenges. The department has experienced and well qualified staff members and well equipped laboratories.

In Academic year 2021- 22 Department has organized two international level conferences in Fate of Mismanagement of Ocean Recourses on 24Aug 2021and on 22 May 2021 the department has organized Biodiversity and its Prospects. Department organized has workshop on Biodiversity and sustainable environment on 20 Feb 2020. Department has organized workshop on Instrumentation on 21Oct 2021. Department has organized workshop on Biodiversity and sustainable environment on18 Feb2019. The department of Botany is a dynamic, growing department with faculty dedicated to providing quality education for all undergraduates through innovative programs. The faculty members of the Botany Department have published more than 70 papers in the reputed National and International Journals. The department also conducts certificate course in Mushroom Cultivation, Plant and Human welfare, Basic Ecological Aspects, etc. The department also offers research projects to the students to inculcate the research aptitude among the students.

Name of the Programme Programme Outcomes(POs), Programme Specific Outcomes(PSOs),Course Outcomes(COs)
B.Com view

F.Y. B. Sc Botany Semester – I

Paper No. Course Code Name of the Course
I BO 111 Plant life and utilization I
II BO 112 Plant Morphology and Anatomy
III BO 113 Practical based on BO111 & BO112

Semester –II

Paper No. Course Code Name of the Course
I BO 121 Plant life and utilization II
II BO 122 Principles of plant science
III BO 123 Practical based on BO 121 & BO122

S.Y. B. Sc Botany Semester – III

Paper No. Course Code Name of the Course
I BO 231 Taxonomy of Angiosperms and Plant Ecology
II BO 232 Plant Physiology
III BO 233 Practical based on BO 231 & BO 232

Semester – IV

Paper No. Course Code Name of the Course
I BO 241 Plant Anatomy and Embryology
II BO 242 Plant Biotechnology
III BO 243 Practical based on BO 241 & BO 242

T.Y. B. Sc Botany Semester – V

Paper No. Course Code Name of the Course
I BO-351 Algae and Fungi
II BO-352 Archegoniate
III BO-353 Spermatophyta and Paleobotany
IV BO-354 Plant Ecology
V BO-355 Cell and Molecular Biology
VI BO-356 Genetics
VII BO -3510 Medicinal Botany
VIII BO - 3511 Plant Diversity and Human Health
IX BO-357 Practical based on BO 351 & BO 352
X BO -358 Practical based on BO 353 & BO 354
XI BO-359 Practical based on BO355 & BO356

Semester – VI

Paper No. Course Code Name of the Course
I BO-361 Plant Physiology and Metabolism
II BO-362 Biochemistry
III BO-363 Plant Pathology
IV BO- 364 Evolution and population genetics
V BO- 365 Advanced Plant Biotechnology
VI BO- 366 Plant Breeding and Seed Technology
VII BO -3610 Nursery and Gardening Management
VIII BO -3611 Biofertilizers
IX BO- 367 Practical based on BO 361 & BO362
X BO -368 Practical based on BO 363 & BO364
XI BO -369 Practical based on BO 365 & BO366

Result (T. Y. B. Sc Botany)

Year No. of student appeared No. of student passed Percentage
2017-18 18 18 100
2018-19 35 31 95%
2019-20 37 35 98%
2020-21 42 42 100%
2021-22 22 22 100%


Year Rank Name of the Student
2017-18 1 Momin Khansa Abdul Majeed.
2 Mankar Rupali Dilip
3 Chikane Rajshri Dilip.
2018-19 1 Ansari Tooba Firdous Zubair
2 Zend Shubhada Sanjay
3 Patil Tejswini Anil
2019-20 1 Thakare Priyanka Vilas
2 Bhamare Gauri Dipak
3 Thakare Monali Dipak
2020-21 1 Pawar Saveri Digamber
2 Surywanshi Kalyani D
3 Deore Pooja Bhaskar
2021-22 1 Aditi Ramesh Nikam
2 Poonam Ashok Patil
3 Kaveri Sanjay Jadhav

Teaching Faculty

Sr. No. Photo Name of the Faculty Date of Joining Designation Qualification Teaching Experience Link
1 Dr. Ziya Ansari 03-09-1991 Associate Professor M.Sc, , PhD 37 Years View/Read
2 Dr. Yogita S Patil 01-06-2009 Assistant Professor M.Sc , Ph.D 16 Years View/Read
3 Dr. Smita S. Harane 07-07-2011 Assistant Professor M.Sc, , Ph.D 05 Years View/Read

1.Research Guides

Sr. No. Name of the Guide University No. of students registered Year of recognition
1 Dr. Z. S. Ansari S.P.P. University, Pune - 2021
2 Dr. S.S. Harane S.P.P. University, Pune - 2022

2. Research Paper Published

Sr. No. Name of the Faculty Number of research Publication Number of UGC-CARE Listed /Scopus/WOS Publication View details
1 Dr.Z. S.Ansari 15 12 view
2 Dr. Y. S. Patil 12 02 view
3 Dr. S. S. Harane 10 - view

3. Book/Chapters Published

Sr. No. Name of the Teacher Title of the book/ Chapters Published Title of the paper National/ Internatio nal Year of Publica tion ISSN/ISB N number of proceeding Name of the Publisher
01 Dr. Z. S. Ansari Basic of Flowering Plants. - International 2017 978-93-86- 444-60-8 Shanti Publication
Dr. D.G. Jadhav Biodiversity Research Perspectives and Innovative - International 2018 978-93- 82234-45-6 Sahitya Sagar Publication, Kanpur
02 Dr. Y. S. Patil Algae ( Book) - International 2021 978-81- 951605-9-5 Sahitya Sagar Publication, Kanpur

4.Workshop on IPR/ Research Methodology

Sr. No. Title of the workshop State/ National/ International Schedule
1 Workshop on Instrument Demonstration Local 23/10/2021
2 Guest Lecture Series Organised Local 15/12/2021 to
3 Naturopathy and Meditation National 21/01/2022
View Details

Department of Botany
List of MOUs (2017-2023)

Sr. No. Name of the Collaborative Agency Year of signing MoU/ Collaboration/ Linkage List of Activities under each MoU Weblink
1 Srujan Biotech, Pimplas Tal. Niphad, Nashik 2022-23 Educational Tour view
2 MT College & Assayer Hospital, Chandanapuri Malegaon 2022-23 Industrial Visit view
3 JAET Arts, Commerce & Science College Malegaon 2021-22 Educational Tour view
4 MT College & Assayer Hospital, Chandanapuri Malegaon 2021-22 Industrial Visit view
5 HH Sri Sri Murlidhara Swamiji College of Horticulture Malegaon Camp Nashik/td> 2021-22 Industrial Visit view
6 Hotel New Surati Raigad Shoping Centre Satana Naka Malegaon 2020-21 Field Visit view
7 MGV MSG Arts, Science and Commerce College, Department of Botany, Malegaon Camp, Nashik 2019-20 Educational Visit view
Name of the Alumini Designation Place Year of Passing
Patil Tejaswini Anil HR- Executive Phinix Automation,Ambad Nashik 2017-2018
Desai Neha Satish Self Employed Karate organization Jodge Tal Malegaon 2019-2020
Pawar Prachi Dinkar Assistant Professor M.S.G. College Malegaon 2019-2020
Ahire Sonali Suresh Assistant Professor M.S.G. College Malegaon 2019-2020
Yeole Dipti Vijay Junior Officer Shree Sanket Developers and Buider’s Near State Bank, Malegaon 2019-2020
Kale Aditi Sunil Assistant Professor SSVPM’S Arts ,Commerce and Science College Ravalgaon 2017-2018
Pawar Pranjal Manohar Assistant Professor SSVPM’S Arts ,Commerce and Science College Ravalgaon 2019-2020
photo Name of the Faculty Award University/ Institute/ Agency
Dr. Yogita Shivaji Patil Best Student Development Officers in Nashik District 2019-2020 Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune
Dr. Yogita Shivaji Patil Ph. D (2021) Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune
Name of the Conference Funding Agency Year Amount Sanctioned Report Link
Interdisciplinary Aspects of Biodiversity and Conservation of Natural Resources B.C.U.D. 2016 85000.00 view
Biodiversity and Its Prospects S.P.P.U. B.S.D. 2019 12000.00 view
Sustainable Environment through Public Awareness S.P.P.U. B.S.D. 2020 10000.00 view
“Prospects and Potential of Deep Sea Mineral Mining: Where Does India Stand?” -- 2020 --- view
International Webinar On “Fate of Mismanagement of Ocean resources” -- 2021 --- view

Photo Gallery

Name of the Teacher Class / Semester Link
Dr.Z. S. Ansari T.Y. B. Sc view
T.Y. B. Sc view
T.Y. B. Sc view
T.Y. B. Sc view
T.Y. B. Sc view
T.Y. B. Sc view/
T.Y. B.Sc view
Dr.D. G. Jadhav T.Y. B.Sc view
T.Y. B.Sc view
T.Y. B.Sc view
Dr.Y. S. Patil F.Y.B.Sc Sem-I view
F.Y.B.Sc Sem-I view
F.Y.B.Sc Sem-I view
F.Y.B.Sc Sem-I view
F.Y.B.Sc Sem-I view
S.Y.B.Sc Sem-I view
S.Y.B.Sc Sem-I view
S.Y.B.Sc Sem-I view
S.Y.B.Sc Sem-I view
S.Y.B.Sc Sem-I view
S.Y.B.Sc Sem-I view
T.Y.B.Sc Sem-I view
T.Y.B.Sc Sem-II view
T.Y.B.Sc Sem-II view


  • Experienced and qualified faculty member.
  • Many articles published in reputable national and international journals.
  • A significant number of research projects.
  • Faculty actively involved in academic committees.
  • Laboratory enriched with good number of equipment.


  • Weak Industry- Academia Interaction.
  • Being a girls college, less progression towards higher Education.


  • To start a PG course in Botany.
  • A capable faculty member encourages and mentors students to pursue higher education and to sit for competitive tests.
  • To increase cocuricular activity.


  • To improve the language and communication skills of students coming from rural and under developed areas..
  • To use current curricula to satisfy industry needs..
  • To increase the knowledge of self-employment

Future Plan

  • To start PG course in Botany.
  • To Build Playhouse in the campus..
  • To start diploma courses in Mushroom Cultivation..
  • Technology and Nursery Management.
  • Organized Lectures Series.
  • To organized International Conference
  • To maintain Medicinal Garden.
Sr. No. Name of the faculty Designation Email
1 Dr.Z.S.Ansari Associate Professor [email protected]
2 Dr.Y.S.Patil Assistant Professor [email protected]
3 Dr.S.S.Harane Assistant Professor [email protected]