AIMS & OBJECTIVES OF Alumni Association

• To bring together all the old students and the faculty of ITM College to share their experiences with each other.

• To maintain and update the data base of all the alumni of the college and to interact with them.

• To utilize the rich experiences of old students of the college for the benefit and progress of the present students.

• To provide guidance to the present students in their endeavour for better employment and higher studies.

• To promote the campus placements through the old students working in reputed industries in India and abroad.

• To get the valuable advices of the Alumni in the overall development of the college.

• To arrange seminars, debates, workshops and also to arrange cultural and social welfare programs.

• To provide financial assistance to the needed alumni members pursuing higher studies based on merit and means.

• To arrange donations to the poor students either by way of cash or kind for their education purpose.

• To maintain libraries, reading rooms, lecture halls, training centres etc. useful to the members of the Association.

• To arrange teaching and training classes to the students studying in the college and also to the members to upgrade technical and general skills.

• To gather and maintain database of employment information and to assist the members in securing suitable jobs.

• To maintain website, publish periodical magazines or bulletins with valuable information useful to the members and students.

• To involve the members in the overall development of the college and the Society.

Alumni Association Executive Committee

Sr.No. Name Designation
1 Bachhav Rupali Anil A/P- Maruti Mandir Soygoan, Malegaon-Camp. Dist.-Nashik Mo. No.-8855066906 Chairman
2 Pawar Manisha Vinod A/P-Ambika Colony, Malegaon. Dist.-Nashik Mo. No.-9158827828 Vice-President
3 Sayma Firdos Sohel Ahmed Plot no 214/b Bajarangwadi LaneNno.1, Malegoan Tal. Malegaon. Dist.-Nashik Mo. No.-9158286990 Secretary
4 Pawar Pratiksha Manoj A/P-Rajmata Jijaunagar PWD Office Nampur Rd. Tal. Malegaon. Dist.-Nashik Mo. No.-9552629393 Treasurer
5 Wagh Samiksha Subhash A/P-Aghar Malegaon-Camp. Dist.-Nashik Mo. No.-7796169663 Members
6 Sonjay Gayatri Bhausaheb Ghar No. 1137, Anand nagar Soygoan Malegaon. Dist.-Nashik Mo. No.-8530381119 Members
7 Sonavane Dipali Shashikant A/P-Chikhaod Malegaon. Dist.-Nashik Mo. No.-9623207091 Members
8 Deore Rajashri Bhagvan A/P-Aghar Malegaon. Dist.-Nashik Mo. No.-7083488568 Members
9 Kale Aditi Sunil NDCC Bank Colony Soygoan Malegaon. Dist.-Nashik Mo. No.-7741838904 Members
10 Gitanjali Vinayak Kachave A/P-Mahalakshmi Colony Jajuwadi samor Bhaygoan shivar Malegaon. Dist.-Nashik Mo. No.-8208520003 Members
11 Nikam Pragati Sahebrao A/P-Dabhadi Tal. Malegoan, Dist. Nashik. Mo. No. 8308943096 Members

List of our alumni placed at different levels.

Sr. No. Name Placement Contact No
01 Chavan Gayatri Anil Business
02 Panpatil Sarika M. Senior Clerk
03 Pawar Ashwini Ashok Botanical Survey of India
04 More Koyal Ashok HLL life care limited
05 Baviskar Vaishali In charge of abacus center
06 Bacchav Prasanna B. Jahangir Hospital, Pune
07 Gunjan Garud Assi. Prof. S.P. College Pune 9967380134
08 Ainor Yogita Mahadu Nursing College Kolpewadi 9552271048
09 Gosavi Sonali Ramdas Asstt. Prof. Satana College
10 Naziya Farhat Night College, Malegaon
11 Pagar Bhagyasri Junior College, Ozar
12 Rahemani Nuzhat Junior College, Nashik
13 Amrutkar Priyanka High School, Surat
14 Mariya Kibtiya Asstt. Prof. Night College, Malegaon
15 Sapana Sonwane Poona College, Pune
16 Patil Gauri Dharwad
17 Nerkar Supriya Little Angles English medium School, Malegaon
18 Mansi Kulkarni Working in Company, Pune
19 Sameena Kausar Malegaon Junior College, Malegaon
20 Mudabbira Naaz J.A.T. Junior College, Malegaon
21 Shaziya Nausheen Asstt. Prof. J.A.T College, Malegaon
22 Mubashshera City College, Malegaon
23 Mifra Ansari Naz Night College, Malegaon
24 Samreen Nihal Ahmad M.S.G College, Malegaon
25 Kashefa Nazir Junior College, Nashik
26 Kothwade Sapana M.S.G College, Malegaon
27 Belan Chirta Jr College, Mumbai
28 Salunke Vaishali T.R. Junior college, Tehare
29 Bhagyashri Pagar Sant Dnyaneshwar School, Walwade
30 Neelima Gaikwad HDFC bank, Nashik

Thank you for visiting our site. One of the hardest tasks for Alumni Associations is to keep in touch with their alumni, and for you to keep in touch with other alumni. Please take a few minutes to register with our site so that you can stay connected with all your fellow classmates. The S.P.H. Arts, Science and Commerce Mahila Mahavidyalaya have registered alumni association under the Bombay Society Act 1860 with the goal and objective to provide single platform for all past students of this college where they can share their ideas, views, experience and technology which will help in overall growth of this college. It is aimed to synchronize knowledge of all past students of this college with the college administration and College Development Committee (CDC) of this college. The College is providing a unique online platform to register all past students of this college those are working in different parts of this country and contributing their knowledge and experience for the nation.

The Vision of Alumni Association

        To be the model Alumni Association by which knowledge and experiences of past students be shared with the college and current alumni.

The Mission of Alumni Association

         To develop and strengthen lifelong relationships between alumni and the college community, by benefiting current and future alumni and friends, and by serving as a catalyst for communications and involvement.

* Key Expectations:

  • • To honor, preserve and celebrate traditions of S.P.H. Mahila Mahavidyalaya.
  • • To communicate clearly and consistently with our current alumni.
  • • To broaden our programming reach globally.
  • • To innovate new programs and services to benefit our alumni.
  • • To continue to provide an inclusive and supportive environment to our alumni of diverse backgrounds, interests, and experiences.
  • • To serve and respond to the needs of our alumni (current alumni).